
2009-06-21 14:51 发布

My name is Yuriy and I'm 22 years old. I'm 3D artist specialize on hi poly modeling and creation of the huge game locations for next-gen games. Last project in which I participated "well online". Now I live in Tolyatti, Russia and involved in freelance work. 我叫YURIY,我今年22岁,我是一名3D艺术家,专门为次世代游戏创作游戏高模角色和游戏场景。在上一个项目中,我参与 了“well online”的制作,现在我住在俄罗斯的TOLYYATTI是一名自由工作者。 Hi! I participate in Dominance War challenge with this character, but haven't finished it till competition deadline. But finally I decide to finish it because I don't like left my works unfinished. I try to create character on which behalf will be interesting to play. I was inspired by Unreal Tournament. 我参与了 Dominance War 项目 角色的创建,但在最后期限还没有完成。因为我不喜欢让我的任务失败所以我最后还是把 它完成了。我尝试去做一个令人很感兴趣的角色,我的灵感是来自《虚幻竞技场》 Usually I starts from concept and it's very helpfully and convenient and as more detailed concept I drawing as less time I spending for modeling, because in this case I don't need to think deep on small details in modeling process. But my drawing skills are far from very good level. For this character I created common concept and a few arms and weapon concepts. Please see sketches of my character below. 通常我都会画一个原设,这是非常有用处的,能够是我建模的时间得到缩短。因为在这种情况下我不需要去思考在建模过 程中需要考虑的细节,但是我的绘画技巧还没有达到很好的水平(牛人也挺谦虚的),我画了这个角色的大体和角色武器 的概念图,请参考我角色的素描。 I performed sculpturing of head and body in Zbrush. I have the aim to create expressive and severe face. When character will be in armour his face must still the center of composition but not smeard by patterns and armour details. 我在ZBRUSH里面雕刻好头部和身体,我有一个构想是创造出一张富于表现性的严肃的脸。他的脸并没有被图案和盔甲的 细节所影响,仍旧是这部作品的中心点,尽管已经穿上了盔甲。 I think that modeling difficulty is strictly depends on initial workpiece. 我认为建模应该严格按照原画的设计。 I used only subdivision modeling while creating armour. I like to work with subdiv in Maya. Using subdivs I create all armour which covering character limbs. Because character isn't belong to kiborgs and techno sci -fi, this is kind of magic warrior, it was quite interesting to work on his armour. I performed armour modeling strictly following concept. Mesh quality is very important because it has influence on shapes and curves correctness. 我创造盔甲后细分了模型。我喜欢在MAYA用subdiv细分我的模型 。使用subdivs创建覆盖角色四肢的装甲。由于角色是不 属于kiborgs和技术科幻小说,这是一种神奇的武士,这是十分有趣的工作。我严格按照我的构想完成了其余的盔甲建模。 网格质量是非常重要的,因为它影响的形状和曲线的正确性。 I paint hand concept in details to detalize each part of character and prevent overall concept blurring with small details. Below you can see concept painting of hand and render of hand in Zbrush adjusted in Photoshop. 我在手臂上刻画出了我预想的细节与身体的每个部位协调,并防止了细节混乱的情况出现。在下图你可以看到手臂的贴图 和渲染,它们都是在ZBRUSH和PHOTOSHOP里面完成的 I performed hand and legs modeling exeptionally in subdiv. I'm trying to model all elements separately and then join whole parts together because it's much more convenient for me. 我再次在MAYA里用subdiv细分做好了角色的手和脚,我想把模型分为不同的部分一一做好,然后把它们合成一个整体,因 为这样对我来说更为方便。 And overall armour geometry you can see below 在下图你可以看到一个总体的装甲模型。 I tried to create interesting and unusual shapes and volumes on character. 我试图在角色上创作一个令人感兴趣和不同寻常的外形和体积。 I make separate render in Zbrush with necessary material and viewpoint for final picture creation. Then in Photoshop upon render I draw colour basics of armour and body. After this it's only necessary to choose right filter to join layers. Finally, I selected rust, scratches and noise textures and put them over whole layers using filters too. 我开始在ZBRUSH上叠加必要的材质并使它达到最终的图片效果,接着在PHOTOSHOP上我画上了一个装甲和身体的底色。 在做完这些以后,我找了锈迹,划痕和噪波的纹理图片用合适的混合模式加入了一个新的图层,同时也把整个完整的图层 也用了这个混合模式。 终于搞定,由于水平有限,翻错的地方望各位指正,这是第一次发翻译作品。教程是YURIY所制作。
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B Color Smilies


  • whwtwo
    whwtwo 2009-6-21 15:15:00

    回复: 次世代角色-Amonnaht的制作流程。。

    看来没人感兴趣。。呵。。 继续潜水了 。
  • hotnick1984
    hotnick1984 2009-6-21 23:20:00


    后面几张图出不来??? 能告诉我原教程的地址吗?
  • waffencake
    waffencake 2009-6-22 01:51:00


    是的,后面几张图出不来。原教程的地址在: http://www.3dm3.com/forum/articl ... ticle&artid=168 感谢楼主的翻译
  • syb860422
    syb860422 2009-6-22 11:21:00


  • 妈呀呀
    妈呀呀 2009-6-22 11:35:00


  • macrosxu
    macrosxu 2009-6-22 17:53:00


    手稿很棒 我想看你个人网站 有吗
  • nxh2009
    nxh2009 2009-6-22 20:06:00


    LS, 作品不是LZ做的, LZ是拿出来跟大家分享的, 感谢LZ!
  • hotnick1984
    hotnick1984 2009-6-23 00:28:00


  • hotnick1984
    hotnick1984 2009-6-23 00:30:00


    用MAYA里用subdiv细做分方便吗 还是用poly做好阿?
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