《MAYA 2011宝典》 

2010-05-19 14:06 发布

在本教学中我们将让大家对MAYA有个深入的了解,并理解它的工作方式, 通过本教学,你将有机会与Digital Tutors的多位MAYA专家共同工作, 他们将在教学中展示给你MAYA各个部分的使用方法. 本教学超过11小时,包含86章,将从介绍MAYA的一些基本技巧与基本术语开始, 接着就会直接进入建模阶段, 在完成了建模阶段以后, 你还会学习到贴图,动画制作, 动力学,灯光渲染等方面的知识. 我们的目标不是只让你去接触一些枯燥的技术信息, 而是帮助你养成良好的制作习惯,这样你就能在将来使用MAYA创造美好的未来. 已经更新了有问题的第21个文件,请大家下载. In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of the other Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya. In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form really good habits so you can have a successful future using Maya. 1. Introduction and Project Overview 3. Overview of the User Interface 5. Saving Files and File Types 7. Getting used to QWERTY 9. Using the Attribute Editor 11. Working with the Hotbox 13. Writing Your First MEL Script 15. Modeling Project Overview 17. Building the rear of the engine from NURBS 19. Extruding a vent from the top of the engine 21. Modeling the rear cone and thrust ring 23. Building vents on the sides of the engine 25. Creating the basic shape of the cab 27. Building the windshield and exterior panels 29. Building the cable connectors and hood ornaments 31. Texturing Project Overview 33. Applying and manipulating materials 35. Adding multiple materials to objects 37. Using UVs to prepare polygons for texturing 39. Working with external texture maps 41. Combining ramps with other procedural nodes 43. Using the 3D Paint Tool to paint textures 45. Creating control curves for our objects 47. Organizing the scene and using selection handles 49. Using the Connection Editor to drive values 51. Adding a speed setting for the expression 53. Drawing your first joint chain 55. Making the scene animator friendly 57. Removing channels from the Channel Box 59. Managing key frames with the Graph Editor 61. Animating objects using path animation 63. Modifying key frames using the time slider 65. Dynamics Project Overview 67. Adding Fire to the Engine 69. Creating a Particle Simulation 71. Modifying the Shape of the Particles 73. Overview of various light types in Maya 75. Rendering with depth map shadows 77. Using Image Planes to create a renderable environment 79. Using the Attribute Spread Sheet to adjust multiple objects 81. Using Light Linking to control an object's illumination 83. Using the 2D Pan/Zoom feature in Maya 85. Adding displacement maps to Maya geometry 2. Creating Your First Object 4. Creating a Project in Maya 6. Viewing Geometry 8. Channel Box and Layer Editor 10. Grouping and Parenting 12. Selection Masks 14. Working with Shelves 16. Modeling the basic shape of the engine shell 18. Extracting a rim from the front of the engine 20. Adding slats to the main vent of the engine 22. Adding radial struts around the engine 24. Adding a power coupling and side rail 26. Modeling the cab interior 28. Adding rails over the racer cab 30. Modeling cables from NURBS curves 32. Hypershade overview 34. Modulating color using ramps 36. Using transparency with our materials 38. Working with procedural textures 40. Using bump maps to simulate depth 42. Adding a car paint material 44. Introduction to the Rigging & Animation Process 46. Using display layers to organize our rig 48. Creating custom attributes 50. Writing your first expression 52. Using Set Driven Key to simplify the rigging process 54. Binding the geometry onto joints 56. Adding random movement through expressions 58. Learn to set key frames and use the time slider and Graph Editor 60. Creating a cycling animation 62. Using the Auto Key feature 64. Creating Playblasts to preview the animation 66. Using the Fire Effect 68. Using the Lightning Effect 70. Getting Smoke Behavior 72. Introduction to the Lighting and Rendering Section 74. Exploring common attributes of Maya lights 76. Rendering with raytraced shadows 78. Matching Maya light sources to a photographic environment 80. Isolating shadows with the Use Background shader 82. Matching the Maya camera to a photographic environment 84. Adjusting the rendered smoothness of NURBS objects 86. Batch Rendering your animated sequence from Maya
B Color Smilies




《MAYA 2011宝典》 
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