
2009-09-27 15:53 发布

中文名: 恐龙剖析草绘教程 英文名: Gnomon Dinosaurs Anatomy and Sketching 发行时间: 2007年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Gnomon出品的视频教程。在本教学中DAVID告诉大家恐龙的身体结构,并教授大家如何进行绘制.主要讲解恐龙的结构剖析与骨骼设定的相关内容。 造型设计和视觉效果开发总监、艺术家David Krentz,曾经梦想成为一名古生物学家。为了让恐龙复活,迪斯尼公司邀请了许多这方面的专家来进行科学研究,获得了大量信息,Krentz一方面绘制了真实的恐龙形象,另一方面也创作了恐龙的漫画形象。他说:“我觉得造型应该轻松一点,这毕竟是一部迪斯尼公司的影片,而且它是动画造型。”他从顶部、正面、侧面和后面分别绘制了草图,这些草图经过扫描再进入Alias|Wavefront的Power Animator,以便3D模型的制作人员使用。Krentz 的工作,有效地提高了他们的速度。此外,Krentz还为恐龙绘制了皮肤的材质。 Many of us drew dinosaurs when we were kids. Dinosaurs are beasts of paradox. They inhabited the world between monster and animal, imagination and science. For many, dinosaurs were the introduction to understanding the natural world. It is not surprising that many of the world’s leading paleontologists started out as artists themselves. In this DVD, David conveys a strong understanding of dinosaur anatomy mixed with the sheer joy of giving life, personality and motion to these inspiring creatures. He covers a wide range of topics from skeletal structures and muscles, to range of motion and the essential gestures of various body types. David focuses on capturing these elements in the form of quick sketches of both herbivorous and carnivorous dinosaurs. Over 2 hours of lecture. 章节内容: 01: Introduction 02: Head 03: Torso 04: Limbs 05: Vertebral Column 06: Proportion 07: Osteological Neutral Position 08: Muscles 09: Range of Motion 10: Comparative Anatomy 11: Locomotion 12: Body Types 13: Gesture 14: Quick Sketch 1 (Sauropod) 15: Quick Sketch 2 (Psittacosaurus) 16: Quick Sketch 3 (Deinonychus) 17: Rendering Rugops 18: Clean-up in Photoshop® 作者相关信息:Born in Winnipeg, Canada, David Krentz graduated from the Character Animation program at California Institute of the Arts in 1993. He was immediately hired into Walt Disney Feature Animation as a Layout Artist. He migrated into a Lead Character Designer position for a four year stint on Disney’s Dinosaur. His love for dinosaurs, anatomy and character proved a valuable asset to that benchmark CG film. After leaving Disney he went on to pursue a freelance career, where he stretched his creative wings doing many different kinds of jobs on many different projects. He enjoys sculpture (digital & clay), storyboarding, creature/character design and concept illustration. He maintains ties to the scientific community, where he often lectures on developing performance-centric creatures for film and recreates new dinosaur finds from the bones up. David is one of the founding members of Ninth Ray Studios, a super-group of story driven concept artists. He contributed to such movies as Fantasia 2000, Dinosaur, Treasure Planet, Spider-Man 2, Valiant, The Ant Bully, John Carter of Mars and Outlander as well as many other live-action and animated films currently in pre-production.
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