Headus UVLayout 专业UV拆分及展开工具+中英文完整视频教程 

2009-09-23 10:55 发布

中文名: Headus UVLayout 专业UV拆分及展开工具+中英文完整视频教程及说明 英文名: Headus UVLayout 2.00.05 Pro 别名: UVLayout,UV拆分,UV展开,UV工具,3d max uv map,May uv 资源格式: 压缩包 版本: 2.00.05 Pro 发行时间: 2007年 制作发行: http://www.uvlayout.com for windows版本 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介: 这是目前最新版本了,内附完整的中文视频教程和中文帮助(教程由CG共和国的DDK制作,在这里感谢DDK为我们免费制作这么好的中文教程,请大家多支持他们.). 本人是MAX用户,因在MAX里对角色模型展UV而苦脑,用了UVLayout后,让我的工作效率提高数十倍,以前一夜工作现在半个小时就搞定了,而且效果是MAX里展UV不可能办到的,虽有很多其它软件也有这方面的功能,如Unfold3D,也是现在很流行的,但很多高手还是推荐了UVLayout,不过看过别人用Unfold3D,从界面上看很容易上手。UVLayout没有好看的界面,可以用界面简陋来形容,不过它只能用快捷键来操做,没有几个图形化的按钮,哈哈,这可能就是专业吧(高手都是用快捷的^o^)...用过之后会发现他更容易上手,因为没几个快捷要你记的,更何况现在有中文的帮助。不敢独享,特上传与大家分享.在这里特别感谢教程的制作者,作者是个牛人,他网站里的东西也非常的厉害.大家看视频的时候会有他们站点的。(他们的教程都是免费的,本来想捐几包烟钱以表感谢,可捐助系统还没开始运作!^o^希望大家多关注他们并给以支持。他们是CG共和国,http://www.aboutcg.com) 如果你能看英文教程,我建议你最好去看英文版的教程,里面会有更多的好内容和建议给你,请自己到官方网站上去下载,(官方的教程做得很好,是难得为用户想得这么周全的好软件.)http://www.uvlayout.com. 注:大家下载的时候注意了,官网上常会封IP的,只是提示说网站在一个高峰使用期,其实就是你逛下就会被封IP,哈哈,好教程要慢慢下,用单线程一个个下吧!如果朋友们想要,我可以整理一下也发上来.我是2M的网通ADSL,单线下都有170KB左右,我平时多线下也就270左右的,官网的速度还是很快的. Headus UVLayout是一款专门用来拆UV专用的软体,基于物理算法,手感相当顺手而且好用,和MAYA比起来最大的手感差别在于这款是按住快捷建配合直接移动你的滑鼠来动作,所以你的手再编辑的时候是用滑的过去不再是点点拉拉,所以用起来相当奇妙!而且他的自动摊UV效果相当好虽然和MAYA的Relax类似不过这款摊的又平均又美相当好用。 UVLayout is a stand-alone application for the creation and editing of UV coordinates for 3D polymeshes and subdivision surfaces. Used by professionals in the games and visual effects industries, by hobbyists of all ilks and by students, UVLayout's unique approach gives texture artists the tools to produce high quality low distortion UVs in significantly less time than they would by traditional methods. Using UVLayout could be described as the opposite of dress making; instead of cutting out a flat pattern and sewing that up to make clothing, in UVLayout the object is cut into pieces that are then flattened out to make the pattern. These flattened UV shells are not just planar projections; a dynamics based algorithm is used to spread the UVs out, as you watch, so that there's minimal stretching, compression or skewing of textures when they're applied to the object. Some major features of UVLayout are: ●OBJ import and export ●Edge-loop Detection for quicker UV seam selection ●Symmetry Editing for faster flattening of symmetrical meshes ●Edge Straightening on shell boundaries and interiors ●Flattening Brushes for local tweaks of the automatically generated UVs ●Auto Packing of UV shells to minimize wasted texture space ●Auto Stacking of similar shells for shared texture space usage ●Subdivision Surface calculations based on limit surface shape ●Unlimited Undo of all editing functions ●Plugin Interface for integration into other applications
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Headus UVLayout 专业UV拆分及展开工具+中英文完整视频教程 
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