
2009-09-13 15:42 发布

中文名: 次世代角色建模技法 英文名: Digital Tutors - Modeling Next-Gen Characters in Maya 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Modeling Next-Gen Characters in Maya 语言:英文 网址:http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/product.php?productid=3451&;cat=0&page=1 类型:教程 (from 9iv)Digital Tutors - Modeling Next-Gen Characters in Maya 是由 Digital Tutors 公司2月底最新释放的一张高质量建模教程,为下一代游戏角色建模做准备。以游戏级别的建模水准,帮助向下一代顶级三维建模领域迈进。 本教程带领学员设计一个高品质的游戏角色模型,和以往的单一的讲解软件的使用和简单的技法之类的教程不同,本教程不但教给你如何去做,更告诉你为什么要这么做。教程从结构解剖到最终效果图完成都有最详细的讲解。学习关键建模技术和工作流程,以创造丰富的拓扑结构,建立艺术参考价值,并创作出新一代游戏角色造型。教程时长5小时。 本教程主题: - Blocking-in Form - Primitive Modeling - Adding Muscle Definition - Modeling in Symmetry - Working within Polygon Budgets - Checking Silhouettes for Appeal - Critiquing Models with Paint-overs - Creating Efficient Geometry - Reducing Model Resolution Manually - Strategically Adding Detail - Creating the Illusion of Detail - Building to Reference Art - Checking Models at Multiple Scales - Creating Useful Topology - Simplifying Shapes - Working with Multiple Pieces - Extruding Geometry to Add Detail - Building Tubes and Pipes with Curves - Combining Vertices with Merge - Quickly Adding Geometry with Bridge Tool Learn critical modeling techniques and a production workflow to creating clean topology, working within polygon restrictions, and building from reference art. Contains over 5 hours of project-based training for artists learning the creative processes of modeling characters for next-generation games.
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