
2009-09-10 16:58 发布

中文名: 动画游戏角色制作教程 英文名: Digital Tutors Animating Next Gen Characters In Maya 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Animating Next Gen Characters In Maya 语言:英语 网址:http://www.digitaltutors.com/store/product.php?productid=3480 类别:动画游戏角色制作教程 (from:9iv.com)Digital Tutors - Animating Next-Gen Characters in Maya 是 Digital Tutors 公司4月最新释放的一张高质量动画游戏角色制作教程,为下一代游戏角色动漫做准备,是游戏级别的动漫水准,助您向下一代顶级三维动漫领域迈进。 教程适用于 Maya 8 及 2008 版本,长达6个多小时以项目为基础的训练。学习游戏动画的工作流程和方法,为创建游戏就绪的角色绑定,非线形动画,增加诉求,让艺术家们学习下一代游戏的角色动画。 Learn a production workflow to game animation and time-saving methods for creating game-ready characters rigs, non-linear animation, and adding appeal. Contains over 6 hours of project-based training for artists learning character animation for next-generation games. Popular highlights include: - Rigging Techniques for Games - Scene Organization - Custom Shelves - Creating Control Objects with MEL - Constraints - Advanced Spline IK Twist control - Alias Attributes - Binding Techniques - Rotation Order - Follow-through - Exaggeration - Arcs - Timing and Spacing - Weight - Cycling Animation - Animated Transitions - Character Sets - Trax Editor
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