Digital-Tutors 恐龙纹理绘制教程 

2009-08-23 14:55 发布

中文名: 四脚动物纹理绘制教程 英文名: Digital-Tutors Texture Painting with Maya and Photoshop 发行时间: 2008年09月21日 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: 这是Digital Tutors Polygon and Sub-D Modeling Workflows in Maya (Maya多边形和细分建模教程)建模教程和Digital Tutors UV Mapping Workflows In Maya (Maya UV 贴图教程 )UV 贴图教程后的纹理绘制教程,全面细致的讲解Maya 纹理绘制的全部过程。 Lesson Outline: 1. Setting up materials and establishing a PSD network 12:06 2. Blocking in colors using the UV layout as a guide 7:44 3. Creating a seamless texture in Photoshop 9:14 4. Filling the canvas with texture using patterns 5:52 5. Blending the skin textures together 7:37 6. Adding a texture to the head and blending with the skin 6:48 7. Using the 3D Paint Tool to blend seams in Maya 10:52 8. Minimizing UV stretching on Sub-D surfaces 7:47 9. Using brush shapes to add detail to the head ridge 9:13 10. Adding bumpy detail around the mouth 11:37 11. Painting ridges along the claws 8:59 12. Painting striations along the interior of the mouth 8:56 13. Adding stippling to the tongue 2:59 14. Painting and blending color onto the belly 7:57 15. Painting color variation onto the skin 7:13 16. Painting a texture guide for the leg scales 8:20 17. Assembling the leg scales 12:44 18. Finishing placement of the scales 11:28 19. Adding stripes to the back of the dinosaur 6:56 20. Adding small details like freckles and blemishes 7:54 21. Using the color map as a base for the bump map 5:58 22. Setting up simple lighting to preview the bump and specular 6:55 23. Painting additional bump onto the legs 7:45 24. Converting the leg scales' color to bump detail 5:26 25. Using the 3D Paint Tool to create folds across the chest 8:32 26. Blending the chest folds with the existing bump 9:29 27. Creating the bump for the mouth interior and claws 7:53 28. Using existing maps as a base for the specular map 10:35 29. Using procedural nodes to create the eyes 5:15 30. Using procedural nodes to create the teeth 5:24 31. Adding the gum texture and making texture adjustments 9:55 32. Making final texture adjustments 13:09 33. Outputting texture maps and creating a final render 6:23 Digital Tutors 最新出品的Maya 纹理绘制教程-Digital Tutors Texture Painting with Maya and Photoshop.教程时长4个多小时
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Digital-Tutors 恐龙纹理绘制教程 
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