
2009-08-23 14:33 发布

中文名: Maya多边形和细分建模教程 英文名: Digital Tutors Polygon and Sub-D Modeling Workflows in Maya 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Digital Tutors 最新出品的Maya多边形和细分建模教程-Digital Tutors Polygon and Sub-D Modeling Workflows in Maya .教程时长4个多小时. 本教程学习了MAY强健的建模方法,让你学习利用MAYA强劲的Polygon / Sub-D Modeling建模工具,做出真实感的生动的四足角色,清晰明了的技术手法,对于建模师的学习极有帮助,既锻炼了对MAYA基本建模的工具和技术的掌握,也对四足动物的形态结构的认知有较多的深入。 教程适用于:Maya 8.5 and up Lesson Outline: 1. Introduction to Polygon and Subdivision Surfaces 10:16 2. Setting up image planes 6:09 3. Drawing profile curves for the body 12:13 4. Building the back leg 11:58 5. Shaping the body and leg 9:45 6. Extruding out the toes 17:25 7. Building the arm 8:42 8. Shaping the arm 5:45 9. Adding the hand 11:05 10. Modeling wrinkles in the skin 8:43 11. Adding body detail 6:49 12. Refining the joints 8:32 13. Adding basic musculature 6:48 14. Adding detail to the feet and hands 14:17 15. Starting the head 10:20 16. Continuing to build the head framework 5:34 17. Creating the eye socket 5:17 18. Shaping the eye socket 9:06 19. Completing the head geometry 7:01 20. Adding the nostrils 6:49 21. Adding the brow ridge 11:15 22. Mirroring geometry 14:27 23. Shaping the head 7:09 24. Working on the mouth 5:31 25. Creating the gums 9:37 26. Adding teeth along a curve 11:09 27. Adding facial details 7:56 28. Modeling the interior of the mouth 8:57 29. Adding additional head ridge 9:25 30. Building the tongue 5:36 31. Adding detail using Subdivision hierarchy 12:24 32. Adding final details to the dinosaur 10:28 Total Run Time: 4:56:42
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