
2009-09-24 17:01 发布

《角色建模新技法》中文名: 角色建模新技法 英文名: Gnomon Digital Training BTS Character Modeling For Production 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: The Gnomon Workshop 艺术设计殿堂极力缔造者,在2008年3月份下旬发行3张主要讲解角色应用于商业设计的 DVD 教程,Behind The Scenes Character Modeling for Production 是其二。GNOMON 教程,每每给我们于激情与期待,让我们在 CG 设计路上不再独行,让我们共同期待,让我们共同期待与业界 CG 顶尖设计师的面对面,少玩多花些时间多学习学习,让我们的商业作品与众不同。Gnomon 的教程向来以其前沿的技术和清晰的视频质量而受到广大用户的青睐。 Behind The Scenes Character Modeling for Production,有关角色建模的新技法教程,Cajun HYLTON 主讲,时长 270 分钟。 这是一张精品角色建模教程,极具商业应用价值。在这张 DVD 中,讲师 Cajun HYLTON 採取逐步的三维建模过程,从简单替代到使用 Maya 与 ZBrush 进行最后的建模。内容包含高效的多边形建模工作流程、透过 Photoshoot 获取参考 、建立替代模式、美术指导和概念设计工作、创造充分详尽的特徵、以 ZBrush 塑造额外的细节、做美术指导修改、准备最后的建模等。 BEHIND THE SCENES (BTS) is a new and exciting DVD series developed to showcase the creation of a game cinematic sequence. The series follows a team of artists as they demonstrate their production techniques from concept phase to final rendered animation. This chapter in the series focuses on the creation of the character Geo, a seasoned veteran of numerous infiltration missions. Cajun Hylton takes the viewer step-by-step through the 3D modeling process, from simple proxy to final model using Maya and ZBrush. The viewer also gets to go behind the scenes and witness actual production meetings that discuss the design and creation of the character. 270 Minutes Efficient Polygonal Modeling Workflow Acquiring Reference Via Photoshoot Creating a Proxy Model Working with Art Director and Concept Designer Creating a Detailed Full Character Sculpting Additional Details in ZBrush Making Art Directed Revisions Preparing the Final Model for Production
B Color Smilies


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