
2010-12-05 10:57 发布

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资源简介 教程内容说明:以下英文介绍我真的不好翻译,我主要就教程本身内容说一下。这套教程一共有三个部分,大家可以到官网看一下:http://www.i3dtutorials.com/view/Tutorials/3ds-max/,这是该系列的第二部分,目前网上也只找到第二部分(有点奇怪)。其实整套教程主要就是一个完整室内场景的制作过程。第二部分中已经有了外框墙体的模型(估计第一部分做好的),然后该部分主要是各种室内物体(比如书架、桌椅、书本、显示器...),反正就是资源图片中你所能看到的物体的建模并有序的组合的过程,从而形成一个完整的室内场景。这里面主要用到的是max中的多边形建模技术,个人觉得还是有比较好的参考价值的。至于第三部分应该就是进一步增加室内的物体,使得整个场景更加丰富而真实。 This training product is designed for anyone who needs to learn professional polygon modeling with Autodesk 3ds Max 2010. This is the second volume in a series of production based training titles that takes the user through the entire process of producing a highly detailed 3D scene that involves working in various aspects of the production pipeline. In this second volume, you will be taught advanced polygon modeling methods in 3ds Max 2010. Volume II takes the user through every step of the process involved in modeling complex polygonal environment props that mimic their real life counter parts, placing emphasis on showing techniques that are efficient, fast, and make difficult modeling tasks as easy as possible. ‘Production Instruction with 3ds Max 2010: Volume II’ is perfect for beginner, intermediate, and professional 3d artists seeking to learn time saving professional techniques and anyone needing to learn advanced polygon modeling as quickly as possible. This training product includes .max project files. Project files require Autodesk 3ds Max 2010. 1、使用软件:3ds max 2010 2、时长:10 hours 3、教程不算是很难,但讲解的真的很详细,绝对是一部好教程,希望对大家有帮助 4、或许很多人都觉得这类教程很简单,嘿,实话说它真不难,绝对不是那种高难度高水平的教程,但难得的是作者的建模思路和对相关技术全面而到位的讲解,这可是国内很多相关教程没法比的。
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