
2010-10-16 21:53 发布

Unreal虚幻3引擎——教程下载共享/ g. ?4 w* o+ E, l# J$ U3 x 这套教程学下来,你能对UE3引擎有更深的了解,建议有点基础的朋友可以尝试学习。: `, D* ^1 _% m% {7 }5 a; W3 G =========== 0 L* Q- q2 ~! k0 Z7 s: O2 P, sEat 3D Unreal VFX - Material Transitions这张新教程,强劲的表现了Unreal次时代高级游戏引擎在视觉特效方面的技术!6 w* F* W' e9 O! q# L* k 高超的游戏视觉冲突原理与实例教程,到终极极环境材质特效解决方案,2 A; a, f+ q" s, @ 为用户提供Unreal VFX - Material Transitions坚实知识的基础上更有先进的技术,以及有价值的见解思路启迪。" K; R" h& s! p$ s# K$ @ Z0 ] EAT 3D的这张教程是如此的出众。 2 v& h6 \- O( O# P8 a/ r + I* e3 t* }6 P9 c===========/ P H) k' ^$ q: i: X; V 0 ^ o# ^& [* N/ B4 R& R 4 c, l$ J* ?/ e; f+ c5 Q( n . G+ X" \+ G2 E5 ~, ?( j6 S教程下载地址 - t- J" ^/ m" g! D
- l. y7 _6 G7 _* D ========= ) w- @' [$ S6 @4 p( B& c" i2 ^$ K 6 S5 s! @( A1 r- d2 L- D New DVD Release! Unreal Cascade - An Introduction and Application! : @2 u$ x" ^1 z3 W G7 p. T" g) D) ~ In this demonstration the instructor starts off by going over the entire / E& n& z9 i$ D' {- T& R' i2 rcascade interface and then through most of the common modules. * I* R4 q4 m5 W7 @, @ Once the foundation is laid its on to creating several effects from scratch. $ [$ S3 q6 S3 {7 X0 MEverything from creating an explosion, hit effects, water drips, laser beams, and trails are covered. + p! E0 }2 x" m # @8 [( u5 G1 Y( ^4 l! H( oIf you have never used cascade you should be able to follow along and understand. ; Y6 v* m2 [8 I1 L8 c7 l' u) wEven if you are experienced using cascade, you should pick up useful information throughout the DVD. # i2 W; Y) H/ q: Y, @0 N , S; P1 F E8 U5 B $ L' N2 k R6 s/ k( p3 |$ O ; t- k0 [" w+ A7 bChapter 1 General Interface Overview 13 minutes $ L7 ]; t; p% v- ?) l. @4 q Chapter 2 Overview of Cascade Modules Part 1 43 minutes % O* q9 w3 N% x: K Chapter 3 Overview of Cascade Modules Part 2 49 minutes 8 j3 T' X( _2 j& q7 c Chapter 4 Creating and Modifying Trails 12 minutes ; D- r$ S3 A8 Q8 L8 PChapter 5 Creating and Modifying Beams 23 minutes ' m0 h7 V/ U9 p: [Chapter 6A Creating a Water Drip Effect Part 1 38 minutes $ F J, m' |& h6 i Chapter 6B Creating a Water Drip Effect Part 2 51 minutes . ^) `, p. _8 [9 i9 Q# m7 SChapter 7A Creating a Hit Impact Part 1 37 minutes % q4 c0 R- a% E3 D% mChapter 7B Creating a Hit Impact Part 2 31 minutes / @( p9 R- l1 u# R/ ]6 }" d Chapter 8A Creating an Explosion Part 1 37 minutes 6 X# S$ x% W' S" }% l* x Chapter 8B Creating an Explosion Part 2 38 minutes ' p! O; R; A4 `! E; u% G2 I% V ; v3 W0 U7 ?8 c% ~/ F+ g* R. l/ Y* `: n2 M; r* C! U! C" R2 X0 u 教程下载地址:3 j! P0 N: i; ] D& U 8 I3 g' Z0 y: [
; j- f/ e" p0 J3 O8 f7 n. [ ; r) H8 q X% Y) w! O3 w4 {( c * w* H+ U2 x" N% a5 i; O 2 z2 e& a) m# Z( y- I* h; o+ j 0 E. e- T. A( t2 i% l8 D + D% u; [% }9 J1 Q/ e y
B Color Smilies


  • Tommy.W
    Tommy.W 2010-10-16 21:59:00
    大家有福啦,Epic开放软件,我下载安装过没问题。。。; W" I8 D; e! j: P9 `1 w 软件和教材都有,想学的可以学习一下。。。7 y/ E. f+ j0 J3 k+ S/ y% k 早先的UE3引擎可不是谁都能有机会学的~
  • 萌猴达达
    萌猴达达 2010-10-27 21:26:00
  • match_zlj
    match_zlj 2010-10-29 21:58:00
    挖 虽然现在不是用这个不过听过很强大 特效必备啊 下载下载 赚到了 歹势歹势 感谢托米大
  • 781351062
    781351062 2010-10-30 12:07:00
    正好需要 i( r4 a1 ^2 A7 T' p
  • z45208618
    z45208618 2010-11-1 18:38:00
    谢谢分享啊 5 z! @6 m4 g6 N& G8 ?% y
  • echo1984
    echo1984 2010-11-2 12:14:00
  • mqbfsz5590
    mqbfsz5590 2010-11-3 14:05:00
  • esuna2009
    esuna2009 2010-11-3 15:45:00
  • Tommy.W
    Tommy.W 2010-11-3 21:47:00
    原帖由 esuna2009 于 2010-11-3 15:45:00 发表 3 a( R* R5 Z1 c, M* ?3 A这个必须要顶的啊!!!谢谢讨米了!!!
    $ {# S9 a9 c+ T ' @( v- y& K1 z! k. ]$ d拿去拿去~~


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