《EAT3D经典雕塑教程 : 数码雕塑结构与造型艺术》 

2010-08-15 15:59 发布

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资源简介: EAT3D出品的经典雕塑教程 : 数码雕塑结构与造型艺术. 在该教程中. 作者通过一个传统的大理石雕塑的数码雕塑与渲染过程介绍了如何使用精确的结构与动感的姿势来创建一个专业与符合审美观点的作品. 教程时长:2小时 教程使用到的软件有: Autodesk Mudbox 2009 Autodesk Maya 2009 光盘中附带有练习素材. In this lecture the instructor demonstrates the digital sculpting and rendering of a classical style marble sculpture, showing how accurate anatomy and a dynamic pose combine to produce a professional and aesthetically pleasing result. In this novel approach to teaching anatomy, the instructor regularly overlays the model with anatomy images as he sculpts, which makes it easy to visualize how the underlying anatomy relates to the sculpted surface of the model. Apps Uesd: Autodesk Mudbox 2009 Autodesk Maya 2009 Project Files: OBJ Files with the same base mesh used in the video so you can follow along. Maya file with final decimated mesh and render settings. 教程预览:
B Color Smilies



《EAT3D经典雕塑教程 : 数码雕塑结构与造型艺术》 
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