《使用Unity 3D进行游戏开发入门教程》 

2010-08-02 14:33 发布

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unity 3D简介: Unity是一个3D游戏开发工具和游戏引擎套件,其中包括了图形、音频、物理、网络等多方面的引擎支持,并且有一个非常强大的编辑器来整合这一切。原本是一个针对Mac、Windows和Linux的游戏开发套件,后来发展到也能够在iPhone和Wii上部署,或者在Web上部署。Unity 使用了Mono作为脚本引擎的虚拟机,并以C#或者一种类似JavaScript的语言为脚本语言。这在游戏引擎中并不多见(另外一个例子是Second Life也采用了Mono作为脚本引擎,C#作为脚本语言)。在游戏引擎中的应用也促使了Mono自身的进步,包括Mono.Simd等,使得Mono或者说托管代码更适合于游戏开发。 课程简介: 这是VTC出品的使用Unity 3D进行游戏开发的入门教程. 向你的空闲时间说再见.打造属于自己的游戏. 因为这个游戏开发要有趣得多.你会学习如何在3D空间演练你的角色.塑造和描绘游戏环境、特效、武器操作、创建菜单和用户界面等............ 课程名称: Introduction to Game Development Using Unity 3D 主讲:Efraim Meulenberg 教学时长: 5.5小时 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目录: Introduction Welcome (02:59) T Installing Unity3D (01:09) T Reviewing the Interface pt. 1 (05:48) Reviewing the Interface pt. 2 (03:15) T Navigating in 3D (04:14) T The Unity3D Concept (05:52) T Our First Game Creating a New Project (05:08) T Walking Around (05:55) T Adding Crates & Physics (05:13) T Unity Prefabs (03:44) T Painting Terrain (04:48) T Painting Grass (06:07) T Adding Trees (03:49) T Skyboxes (03:46) T Introduction to Scripting Unity Scripting (04:40) T Variables & Syntax (05:19) T Functions (05:06) T Predefined Words (03:44) T If & Else (05:23) T Unity Functions & Switch (06:42) T Core Unity Classes (04:36) T Private Versus Public (03:07) T 3D Under the Hood What Are We Looking At? (02:25) Fun With X Y & Z (04:32) Local Versus Global (05:59) Throwing Objects (05:58) Importing Models Understanding Materials (04:00) Shaders in Unity (05:51) Importing in Unity (06:37) Interacting with Models Animating a Door (05:37) Scripting Animations (04:40) Raycasting (07:21) Special Effects Understanding Particles (03:20) Sparking a Fire pt. 1 (05:16) Sparking a Fire pt. 2 (02:56) Sparking a Fire pt. 3 (05:55) Weapons Picking Up Items pt. 1 (04:01) Picking Up Items pt. 2 (04:04) Prepping the Grenade (05:15) Scripting Grenades pt. 1 (03:06) Scripting Grenades pt. 2 (06:04) Adding the Explosion (03:23) Scripting the Explosion (05:34) G.U.I. & Menus Understanding Unity GUI (03:10) Adding GUI to Our Game pt. 1 (06:24) Adding GUI to Our Game pt. 2 (06:23) Scripting Our GUI (04:48) Adding a 3D Main Menu pt. 1 (04:00) Adding a 3D Main Menu pt. 2 (04:34) Scripting the 3D Main Menu (06:25) Enemies Turret Prep & Cleanup (07:17) Will the Turret Notice Us? (02:45) Artificial Intelligence pt. 1 (04:25) Artificial Intelligence pt. 2 (05:05) Artificial Intelligence pt. 3 (02:39) Artificial Intelligence pt. 4 (05:41) Artificial Intelligence pt. 5 (05:33) Applying the AI (04:49) Animating the Guns pt. 1 (02:38) Animating the Guns pt. 2 (05:09) Timing the Attack (05:57) Health System Adding the Health GUI (02:11) Scripting the Health GUI pt. 1 (04:27) Scripting the Health GUI pt. 2 (03:08) Subtracting Health (07:22) Game Over Menu (01:19) Audio Adding Audio Clips (05:20) Exporting the Game The Build Menu (04:11) Quality Settings (02:08) Player Settings (01:48) Where to Go From Here Generating Massive Worlds (04:33) Generating Texture Maps (02:08) Unity Resources (01:10) Conclusion Wrap Up (01:36) Credits About the Author (01:12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 教程截图:
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《使用Unity 3D进行游戏开发入门教程》 
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