ZBrush 女性雕塑教程 

2009-09-29 16:23 发布

中文名: ZBrush 女性雕塑教程 英文名: Gnomonology Sculpting A Female Bust In Zbrush 资源格式: 光盘镜像 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Gnomonology 出品,在 ZBrush 中雕塑一个女性半身像的教程。该系列教程侧重于 ZBrush 基本造型技巧,包括:封嵌模型,内部形态集结,塑造精确形态,雕刻五官,松弛网格工具,雕刻波浪状头发,女性模型塑造诀窍。 Gnomonology 为 Gnomon 培训机构最新开发的一个教程资源网站,目前提供了资深专家 Alex Alvarez、Meats Meier、Zack Petroc 和 Scott Spencer 等约50个小时的视频内容,涵盖的软件有 Maya、Photoshop、3ds Max Zbrush、After Effects、Headus、Houdini。 This tutorial series focuses on fundamental sculpting skills in ZBrush. It covers: Blocking in Your Model Massing Internal Forms Sculpting Precise Form Sculpting Facial Features Reconstructing Higher SubDiv Sculpting Wavy Hair Tips for Creating Feminine Form Chapter One: Blocking in Your Model Starting with a simple ZSphere base, chapter one focuses on blocking in the main forms of the shoulder, neck and head. Using SubTools, the hair is also added and blocked in. The following tools are demonstrated: Clay Brush, Standard Brush w/ Pinch, Reconstruct Higher SubDiv, EdgeLoop, SubTool, Transpose Duration: 21min Chapter Two: Massing Internal Forms and Sculpting Features In chapter two, we focus on massing the internal forms, sculpting the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and the basic anatomy of the shoulder girdle. We also spend some time discussing the difficulties of sculpting beautiful women. Then explore one way to help us the softness of the feminine form without losing structure. The following tools are demonstrated: Clay Brush, Masks, Standard Brush w/ Pinch Duration: 24min Chapter Three: Sculpting Flowing Hair In chapter three, we focus on massing and detailing the hair. We utilize the Move brush to establish the overall shape and then refine that shape by modifing the Slash 2 brush and utilizing the Clay, ClayTubes and SnakeHook brush. We spend time The following tools are demonstrated: Clay Brush, ClayTubes Brush, A Modified Slash 2 Brush, Standard Brush w/ Pinch, SnakeHook Duration: 18min Chapter Four: Details, Details, Details In chapter four, we finalize the details of our sculpt. We further refine the features and spend some time texturing the hair. In this chapter, we look at how you can use the morph brush to bring back form that you have previously erased. Our goal, at this stage, is to make sure that our sculpt has a combination of hard and soft edges that guide our audiences eyes around the model. The following tools are demonstrated: Clay Brush, ClayTubes Brush, Rake Brush, Slash 2 Brush, Standard Brush w/ Pinch, Morph Brush Duration: 17min
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ZBrush 女性雕塑教程 
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