
2009-09-29 15:22 发布

中文名: 次世代游戏角色制作技法教程 英文名: Detailing Next-Gen Characters in ZBrush 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Digital Tutors - Detailing Next-Gen Characters in Zbruh 这是由Digital Tutors 公司3月最新释放的一张高质量游戏角色制作教程,为下一代游戏角色制作做准备。是游戏级别的高水准,助您向下一代顶级三维建模领域迈进! 本教程带领您使用Zbrush来设计一个高品质的游戏角色模型,制造高分辨率几何体用于游戏,雕刻方法,创造和运用地图,并加入角色以增强吸引力。学习关键技术和工作流程,以创造丰富的拓扑结构,建立艺术参考价值。超过5小时培训教学,为艺术家创作新一代游戏角色造型。 Learn a production workflow and time-saving techniques for creating high-resolution geometry for use in games, methods of sculpting, generating and applying maps, and adding character enhancements for appeal. Contains over 5 hours of project-based training for artists learning the creative processes of modeling and sculpting characters for next-generation games. Popular highlights include: Character Refinement Adding Appeal for Enhancement Additive Sculpting Techniques Subtractive Sculpting Techniques UV Tools and Techniques Creating Usable UV Layouts Strategically Combining UV Shells Preparing Geometry for Sculpting Exporting Geometry from Maya Importing Geometry to ZBrush Appending Subtools Morph Targets Subdividing Geometry Sculpting Organic Shapes Masks and Deformation for Detail Adding Flexibility with 3D layers Creating Custom Alphas Hard Surface Detailing Integrating Geometry with Detail Combining Brushes and Strokes Adding Texture with Alphas Exporting Normal Maps Using ZMapper to Create Normal Maps Applying Normal Maps in Maya
B Color Smilies


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