
2009-09-07 17:25 发布

中文名: 手绘漫画教程 英文名: Gnomon Comic Book Pencilling 发行时间: 2007年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Gnomon出品的漫画制作教程,在本教学中,Stephen Platt介绍给大家如何区分模式,绘制阴影,色彩等.并且介绍了漫画工业的制作流程.喜欢漫画的朋友,你想过自己来创作绘制漫画吗,此教程就是你最好的老师. this DVD, Stephen Platt covers how to create a fully penciled page from beginning to end. He begins with exploration in the thumbnail stage and enlarges the chosen rough thumbnail using a photocopier and lightbox. During the course of the demo, Stephen shows how he indicates change in form, graduated shadows, texture and mass, all while maintaining a dramatic graphic expression. In addition, he discusses industry conventions as well as advice on portfolios and earning a living in professional comics
B Color Smilies


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