《CG全过程教程》(3ds Max 2011 - One Project from Start to Finis)2011 

2011-04-15 17:22 发布


3ds Max 2011 - One Project from Start to Finish (Max2011完整项目制作教程)
Over the last few years, we have received an incredible number of requests from 3ds Max users at all skill levels suggesting that we create a book that illustrates the process of creating a 3D visualization project from start to finish and step-by-step. As a result of these requests, we are pleased to announce the production of our 5th book, 3ds Max 2011 – One Project From Start to Finish. This book is the most comprehensive guide to completing a 3D visualization project ever produced, and we have commissioned one of the best, and most respected 3D visualization firms in the world, Cat-a-pult, to help write this one of a kind book. The intent of the book is to show in great detail, each step of the visualization process, as applied to one very unique visualization project and every facet of the design and creation process will be illustrated.

In this book you'll learn...
Modeling 模型
Materials 材质
Unwrap UVW 展UV
Texture Painting 贴图绘制
Day & Night Lighting 日/夜景灯光
Pelt Mapping 贴图
Animation 动画
Particle Flow 粒子
Forces and Deflectors 动力学
Cloth 布料
Rigging 绑定
Graphite Modeling 石墨建模
Compositing 合成
Editing 编辑
Rendering 渲染
Plugin Usage 插件的应用
Render to Texture 渲染到贴图
....and much more 其它更多
Plus coverage of other software...
After Effects
glu3D Mudbox
ReelSmart Motion


感谢网友316studio提供此资源,请关注其博客 http://316studio.blog.163.com/

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《CG全过程教程》(3ds Max 2011 - One Project from Start to Finis)2011 
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