
2009-10-23 10:24 发布

中文名: Digital-Tutors XSI下一代游戏开发技术教程 英文名: Digital-Tutors Next-Generation Game Techniques in XSI 资源格式: 光盘镜像 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: Digital-Tutors新出品的XSI教程。内容相关游戏开发,总共2CD,总时间3小时43分钟,使用的软件包括XSI 5.1.1和C++ Compiler。对于从事游戏开发的人来说这是一个非常实用的课程。三维爱好者也可以从中学习模型和贴图方面的知识。感兴趣的快下来看看吧! 教程涵括内容: Normal Maps Occlusion Maps Depth Maps UV Layout Implementing Ultimapper Painting Textures in Photoshop Baking Indirect Lighting and Shadows into Texture Maps Game-Friendly Animation Rigs Adjusting Envelope Weights Walk Cycle Animation Exporting Game Assets to OGRE C++ Programming Real-time Normal Mapping Real-time Parallax Mapping Polygon Reduction Tool 课程目录列表: 1. Introduction and project overview 2:39 2. Looking at the high-resolution and low-resolution models 7:52 3. Starting the UV layout in XSI 9:59 4. Finishing the UV Layout 9:32 5. Generating Normal Maps and Occlusion Maps for the low-res game character 15:02 6. Painting textures in Photoshop (part 1) 11:44 7. Painting textures in Photoshop (part 2) 11:08 8. Painting textures in Photoshop (part 3) 17:04 9. Using the Biped Guide in XSI to create a rig for animating our game character 7:26 10. Adjusting the character’s envelope weights on the skeleton 12:28 11. Creating a walk cycle animation (part 1) 10:07 12. Creating a walk cycle animation (part 2) 8:09 13. Baking down the animation from the control rig onto the biped skeleton 8:01 14. Exporting the OGRE mesh and skeleton 7:56 15. Setting up the C++ development environment, so it can use the OGRE libraries 5:37 16. Building a basic OGRE application using a pre-existing framework 11:05 17. Copying libraries and media files 6:40 18. Loading the exported character into the application 5:21 19. Implementing a frame listener in order to properly update our program 5:12 20. Applying the animation and texture to our character 7:32 21. Tweaking the shaders and applying the normal map to our character 8:42 22. Adding a light to our scene and making it revolve around the character 6:30 23. Building tangent data on the mesh to get the shader to work properly 4:45 24. Implementing the parallax shader on the floor surface 9:51 25. Bonus: Creating Normal and Depth Maps for the game's floor 4:21 26. Bonus: Using the XSI's Polygon Reduction tool 8:58
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