《Lynda.com 出品3ds Max 2011入门培训视频教程》 

2011-04-15 17:13 发布


Lynda.com 出品的时长3小时08分钟的3ds Max 2011: Reactor模似引擎入门视频教程。由Steve Nelle演示如何使用3ds Max动画制作物体识别、碰撞和相互之间接触产生的反应过程创建逼真的动态模拟。详细的讲解了刚体和软体动力学,Reactor引擎内的各种工具,使用系统参数和软体修改器(Soft Body Modifier),以及如何调整与控制动态模拟的精度。从第四节开始演示物体破裂的实用技巧,包括创建布料的模拟,场景中增加水荡漾的效果等等。本教程附带练习文件。

Course name:
3ds Max 2011: Getting Started with Reactor

Steve Nelle

Duration (hh:mm:ss):

Released on:

In 3ds Max 2011: Getting Started with Reactor, Steve Nelle shows how to create realistic dynamic simulations that have objects recognize, collide and react to coming into contact with each other in 3ds Max animation projects. This course includes a detailed explanation of both rigid and soft body dynamics, reactor's various collection types, using constraints and soft body modifiers, and how to adjust and control a dynamic simulation's accuracy. Four start-to-finish projects are also included in the course, which show practical techniques for breaking objects apart, creating cloth simulations, adding rippling water effects to a scene, and more. Exercise files accompany the course.

Topics include:
Choosing the appropriate collection type
Using the Property Editor to set up an object's physical properties
Working with soft body modifiers
Accessing and using the Reactor toolbar
Making objects appear soft and pliable
Using constraints to limit object movement
Animating objects breaking apart
Creating realistic water using a reactor helper object
Previewing simulations
Controlling simulation accuracy
Creating keyframes for a dynamic simulation


Introduction 00:04:57
Welcome 00:01:24
How to use this course 00:01:07
Using the exercise files 00:02:26

1. Introduction to Reactor Understanding how Reactor works 00:07:33
Accessing the Reactor commands and controls 00:04:01
Working with Reactor's collection types 00:07:51
Working with Soft Body Modifier types 00:05:56
Using constraints to limit object movement 00:07:46
Assigning physical properties using the Property Editor 00:07:45
Previewing a simulation 00:03:56
Creating keyframes for a simulation 00:04:58
Controlling the accuracy of your simulations 00:04:30
Choosing a physics engine to run your simulations 00:02:05

2. Project: Breaking Through a Sheet of Glass Project overview 00:00:56
Modeling the broken glass 00:13:17
Adding the simulation's physical properties 00:01:53
Animating the breaking object 00:05:04
Creating the Rigid Body Collection 00:01:32
Previewing the simulation 00:05:20
Adding a fracture helper to improve realism 00:04:38
Building the scene's materials 00:05:36
Creating the keyframed animation 00:04:41
Setting up the visibility track for the glass 00:08:49

3. Project: Creating a Soft Body Animated Maze Project overview 00:01:21
Setting up the scene's rigid bodies 00:04:03
Adding the soft bodies into the simulation 00:09:18
Working with the Soft Body Modifier settings 00:08:03
Making the final adjustments and creating the keyframes 00:04:08

4. Project: Using a Cloth Collection to Affect the Behavior of a Curtain Project overview 00:01:17
Setting up the Reactor cloth elements 00:12:34
Animating the rigid body curtain clips 00:05:41
Making adjustments to the curtain cloth modifiers 00:06:05
Creating keyframes in preparation for rendering 00:02:02

5. Project: Simulating Rippling Water Adding the physical properties and collection 00:03:07
Creating the water helper 00:03:19
Adjusting the water parameters and creating the keys 00:07:43
Building a believable water material 00:04:15
Wrapping things up 00:01:54

Conclusion Goodbye 00:00:41
B Color Smilies


  • 一瞬间的错觉
    一瞬间的错觉 2011-4-15 17:14:57

  • 爱学习的小朋友
    爱学习的小朋友 2011-4-15 21:51:28
    本帖最后由 爱学习的小朋友 于 2011-4-15 21:56 编辑

  • xtygwj
    xtygwj 2011-4-18 13:04:52
    好東西 哈哈哈 收走了
  • 莪叫_鄭尛妖ζ
    莪叫_鄭尛妖ζ 2011-5-6 00:58:56
    不错的资料 好人真多
  • mark8888
    mark8888 2011-6-4 23:07:33
  • zzbigj
    zzbigj 2011-8-30 21:08:27
    SKINGAME798 2011-8-31 17:03:03
  • 阿飛
    阿飛 2011-10-28 09:58:09
  • zhangmiao977
    zhangmiao977 2015-9-20 20:42:38
    《Lynda.com 出品3ds Max 2011入门培训视频教程》
《Lynda.com 出品3ds Max 2011入门培训视频教程》 
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