
2011-06-10 09:21 发布



这个教程是为MAX中级用户量身定制的,在长达6小时的视频教学里,作者从模型制作开始,然后灯光渲染,直到最终合成。与此同时,作者还讲到Rayfire, Pulldownit, Fume FX and particleflow等插件的用法。当然,这个DVD包括了书中所有的场景,贴图,以及很多实例场景。实为MAX用户的福音。

In over 6 hours of narrated videos learn the fundamentals of fx production from simulations to rendering and final composing. Learn how to use multiple tools like Rayfire, Pulldownit, Fume FX and particleflow. All these in one single FX training flash book.

This dvd also contains Final 3dsmax scene with all the textures, concept arts and lots of example scenes.
This training DVD is recommended for intermediate 3dsmax users, this is not a step by step modeling tutorial.
Recommended system specification is: Intel Core Duo with 4GB of RAM, and 64bit system.
For scene rendering we recommend to use render farms or pc with at least 18 gb of ram and 8 cores.
Total collection size: 7.6 GB in 84 files
V-Ray-object prepared for V-Ray 1.5 or newest
*.max- 9 or higher
B Color Smilies


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