
2010-01-31 14:57 发布

In this DVD, Darin takes you through the production and completion of a camera projected 3D Matte painting using Autodesk Maya and Adobe Photoshop®. Darin covers the essential techniques and solutions for 3D matte painting as he progresses from rough concept to modeling, rendering and creating the painting in Photoshop®. After bringing the finished matte painted layers back into Maya, he describes how to apply them in the scene. Darin also shows methods for solving common texture distortions with additional projections. Finally, he demonstrates simple techniques for bringing life to your scenes.(本DVD教程, Darin讲述使用Maya以及Photoshop制作专业影视级背景镜头跟踪精华技术,教学从2D概念艺术开始,到模型,建模,渲染,绘画, 然后导入到Maya场景中进行高技能创作过程,整合了当时Cg技术的精华,这些技能将对你走向专业而顶尖的CG应用将有很大的指导与启迪作用.如果你是相应专业的... ...) 这是一部综合大型的影视背景镜头应用教程,极具珍藏价值.讲述有关CG场景背景镜头工程商业应用秘技,而这些技法应用于好莱坞影视制作.作者为好莱坞一线CG背景艺术设计大师Darin Hilton主讲,作者参与好莱坞电影制作的有即将在本年底上映的《基督诞生记》2006,《父辈的旗帜》,《我的超级前任女友》(My Super Ex Girlfriend),以及老电影《小鬼上路》,《后天》,《吸血鬼女王》,《冰冻星球》,《猫和老鼠》
B Color Smilies


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