
2009-08-20 09:48 发布

中文名: 鱼人设计塑造教程 英文名: Gnomonology Designing with Digital Clay Gill-Man Tutorial 资源格式: 光盘镜像 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 简介: 语言:英语 网址: 类别:教程 Gnomonology 出品的鱼人设计塑造教程,所用到的软件是专业三维角色建模软件 ZBrush,Cesar Dacol Jr. 主讲,内容主要讲解如何利用一切工具迅速进行生物设计。教程总时长约两个小时。 Gnomonology - Designing with Digital Clay: Gill-Man | 127 Mb (in rar) In this tutorial, Cesar Dacol Jr. gives us a master class on how to quickly design a creature using ZBrush's digital clay, using everything from the Clay Brush to ZSpheres to SubTools to Transpose. Chapter One: A Creature Design Master Class Using ZBrush Chapter One covers the fundamentals of blocking in your model, initial design decisions, and using ZBrush's SubTools and Transpose to facilitate the design process. Duration: 56min Chapter Two: A Creature Design Master Class Using ZBrush Chapter Two focuses on designing the creatures specific features and characteristics. Using Layers and Morph Targets, Cesar creates realistic skin textures and gives the model that lived in sense of realism. Duration: 54min
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