
2007-12-02 20:29 发布

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Ambient Occlusion: Baking AO the Lesser Persons Way, with the Light Tracer! I have made this really simple...thing (fig.1) its not actually anything so don't worry yourselves about that...just was quick and easy to unwrap and will show how it all will work. In this object I don't have anything sharing the same uv coordinates so we wont have any errors when we render out the AO map. As you start to use the AO map with more complex models, which I am guessing you would do, you will have more UV's sharing the same space. This can cause problems with your map...and really any map you will be rendering out with max's render to texture. Now we'll set up the sunlight and light tracer....I probably don't even have to show this, but...I'll pretend like you know nothing about this...just incase someone really doesn't have a clue. Fig. 1 So this picture (Fig. 2) should be enough to explain where to find the skylight in max. You're gonna want to click on skylight and then create it over whatever objects you have. Really it doesnt matter where you create this little guy...the skylight isnt directional, so you could put it where ever your little heart desires!! Ooooh just feel the freedom!! Fig. 2 Now we need to set the light tracer up (Fig. 3) this is also a step most people know how to do so...once again the picture should explain enough. I really never mess with the settings of the sunlight or light tracer, and the results are fine... Fig. 3 Now we are going to the the actual render to texture setup. To get there press zero, and make sure that the object you want to render the AO map for is selected. Once the window comes up scroll down to the add button as seen in Fig. 4. Once you click that a little window should pop up as seen in Fig. 4, for our AO map you will want to choose complete map. The rest of the render to texture setup is quite self explanatory, you can set where it saves the file, what the name of the file is and the size. Usually I just render out a quick 256 or 512 in order to check for mistakes and problem areas, it's alot quicker than rendering out a 1024 map every time. Fig. 4 Once you have set up everything in the Render to Texture setup, go ahead and press Render. One thing to make sure you do is have a plain grey material on the object you are rendering, if you have a texture on the object it will render the texture on the object. So just apply a default material to the object before rendering, unless you want to just render out the shadow map over your already finished diffuse. Sometimes that can be useful, but personally I like to clean up the shadow map in photoshop, and tweak it a bit...but from there it is all up to you!! Here is the final render of the object...(Fig. 5) Fig.5 Hopefully this was usefull...lemme know of anything I should add/change since this is the first time I've tried this really. Anyhow hope you liked I am going to be attempting to make some short video tutorials showing my workflow, so hopefully I will finish that up and get em up here soon. I have a cold tho...so might wanna wait till my nose clears up If there is anything you would like me to try and make a tutorial about, just lemme know, I can see what I can do...
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  • daniel-lx
    daniel-lx 2007-12-2 23:08:00


  • -狼-
    -狼- 2007-12-3 00:41:00


  • cgmars
    cgmars 2007-12-30 19:45:00


  • ken____
    ken____ 2007-12-30 21:28:00


    skylight 的ao 也是一种,现在好像大多数人都用mr做ao了:default7:
  • kingjack
    kingjack 2007-12-31 09:24:00


    厉害啊,居然用skylight 来烘培,以前还真没试过,不过skylight倒是相当耗系统的光源,
  • butcher_DDI
    butcher_DDI 2008-1-22 14:05:00

    回复: 在max里设置AO贴图(转国外)

  • 75691710
    75691710 2008-1-22 16:43:00


    拜托 这不是AO 大忽悠
  • mey619
    mey619 2011-10-16 23:54:43
    SO GOOD~


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