(转)DW IV_2D_Demons_Demon Lord_Fuka 

2009-06-09 14:39 发布

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原作者:shenjinwu 本文章转载自“火星时代”论坛。 他的名字叫FUKA,关于恶魔王的传说[耶酥的诅咒],他是黑暗火族种类引以为傲的代表,拥有祖先几千年来对火元素的运用自如,至今还没有任何生物能承受住他火球的威力。他统治着祖先打拼下来的国家,当然,他们的野心,从来也没有消退过,攻打和霸占领地一直是他们的邪恶使命,FUKA一开始就预谋和策划着一切,直到现在自己掌握实权,他早已知道这一天终究来临,盛世战争,一触即发!~~~ His name is FUKA, about the wicked fiendish person's fable [the Ye Su curse], he is the dark fire race type takes for arrogant representative, has ancestor for several thousand years to get a light from another light element handling skillfully, until now did not have any biological energy to withstand his fireball the might. He is ruling the country which the ancestor fights down, certainly, their ambition, has not always abated, attacks and wrests away the territory has been their evil mission, FUKA premeditates and is planning all from the very beginning, until now has the real power, he already knew that this day approaches eventually, the prosperous times war, is ready to be set off at a touch! ~~~ 恩,虽然现在还很不满意,还是发一下过程图比较好点,几张头部的设计,也画了张彩色稿,看下效果,还没最终定,可能还会变.... 又画了几张小的草稿..还希望大家能多给点建议.... 这个感觉有点复杂。所以、、、毙了。。。 设计了几个头部的造型,,,
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(转)DW IV_2D_Demons_Demon Lord_Fuka 
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