
2009-01-20 11:14 发布

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http://www.verycd.com/topics/141873/ 我只能提供地址,这个视频我已经下载了,看上去非常不错,但我E文不过关,听不懂鬼佬讲些什么! 强烈希望高手们把这个视频弄个中文字幕上去。 谢谢。
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  • dbmx
    dbmx 2009-1-20 11:15:00


    《Max8纹理贴图教程》(CG Academy Intermediate Texturing)英文[ISO] 状态: 精华资源 摘要: 发行时间: 2006年 时间: 2006/7/31 发布 | 2006/7/31 更新 分类: 资料 其它资料 浏览: 20999 次 相关: 详细内容 相关资源 补充资源 用户评论 eMule资源 下面是用户共享的文件列表,安装eMule后,您可以点击这些文件名进行下载 [Max8纹理贴图教程].TI1_UNWRAP_UVW.ISO 详情 1.7GB [Max8纹理贴图教程].jgtiso.nfo 详情 5.4KB 全选 1.7GB 中文名: Max8纹理贴图教程 英文名: CG Academy Intermediate Texturing 别名: The Unwrap UVW Tool 资源格式: 光盘镜像 版本: 英文 发行时间: 2006年 简介: CG Academy Intermediate Texturing.1 分类: CG教程 文件大小: 1DVD 1.74G 适用平台: 适用平台: 所有平台/软件为Max8 CG Academy Intermediate Texturing 1: The Unwrap UVW Tool (Max8纹理贴图教程): CG Academy Intermediate Texturing 1: The Unwrap UVW Tool by Chris Thomas 2006年新教程,组织释放时间Date:March 26th, 2006 CG Academy在3ds max教程的教学质量大家不用怀疑,绝对是Max教程中的佼佼者,这光盘为原版DVD(DVD1.74G,Winrar包大小1.34G),包括所有的源文件,视频教程,工程资料等。E维第一时间为大方CG Max爱好者提供。这张教程由专业大师Chris Thomas讲解,使用Unwrap UVW修改器可以精确地控制纹理贴图,将纹理贴图准确地绘制(Pain)到模型的表面。这特别适合于模型是非规则形状,纹理贴图非规则贴图的情况。如果你想很深层探索3ds Max的Unwrap UVW材质纹理贴图,那CG Academy的这些Texturing教程将会是你的首选!! 本教程针对中高级用户,要求了解UVs的基本原理和3DS MaxUV Unwrap相关的功能。本教程对其它3D软件如Maya和XSI也有借鉴意义。在这张DVD中,业界顶尖专业设计师Chris Thomas来教学,他在材质应用领域有着很深的造诣技术,Chris Thomas将详细指导你通过一种快速而高效流程建立unwrapping,本视频教程追求细节的真实和完美的效果,很值得CG爱好者的珍藏。 CG Academy Intermediate Texturing 1: The Unwrap UVW Tool 该套教程使用软件为3ds max 8,通过本教程学习,可在材质方面上一大技术台阶,本视频涉及多种新材质应用技法,包含大量材质新技法信息和先进技术探索。这张教程是针对CG Academy上一张Texturing教程大获成功后,继而提供的这张教程。Following on (so to speak) from the great success of Dominic Qwek's new Advanced Unwrapping DVD, 这张教程将非常详细的讲解3dxxax 8.0的Unwrap工具,覆含了UVW Unwrapping各方面所需知识,通过本教程的学习,你将在Unwrap UVW纹理贴图方面受益菲浅,本教程从GUI各元素有价值的功能讲起,以及扩展工具,然后进入真实的纹理材质模拟环境,对一个游戏模型进行纹理贴图研究,从学习unwrap创建开始,到深入学习动态复杂贴图,这些教程将会给你很多很多。是你通高Texturing艺术之路必备的优秀资源。The DVD opens with an explanation of the fundamental concepts behind UV unwrapping. Then moves on to give a thorough introduction to all of the user interface elements of the tool. And then Chris takes you through a comprehensive real world project that will give you a solid understanding of the techniques and workflows of the unwrapping process. 相关CG Academy教程: CH 01: Understanding The Unwrapping Process Chris gives a run through of the major concepts behind UV unwrapping . CH 02: Unwrapper: Command Panel A brief run-through of the Command Panel elements of the Unwrapper interface. CH 03: Unwrapper: Editor Menus Moving on into the tool proper, Chris runs through the various menu options . CH 04: Unwrapper: Editor Toolbar Then shows us what the various toolbar buttons do. CH 05: Unwrapper: Editor Window Then Chris explains how the main window allows us access to the UV vertices, edges and faces of the model being unwrapped. CH 06: Unwrapper: Editor Options A brief run-through of the user interface elements of the lower "Option" panel interface. CH 07: Unwrapper: Stitch & Relax Chris shows what the Stitch and Relax tools can be used for. CH 08: Unwrapper: Flatten, Normal & Unfold And he completes the tour of the GUI and tools with a look at the three automatic unwrapping systems. CH 09: Unwrapping Tutorial Introduction Chris explains what the goals are and the "game plan" for the following practical tutorial. CH 10: The Front, Right & Tower Front Walls Chris starts by unwrapping these elements. CH 11: The Left Wall, Roof & Window Frames And continues by unwrapping the left wall, the roof and the first two window frames. CH 12: The Inner Walls & Stair Unit Chris then quickly unwraps the Inner wall area, and then moves on to one of the hardest elements, the stairs. CH 13: The Back Wall, Door, Chimney & Supports And the last elements are unwrapped. CH 14: Final Tweaks & Render To Texture Some final tweaks to the UV layout are carried out here, and then Chris shows how the Unwrapper can be used in conjunction with the Render To Texture tool. [已通过安全检测]SYMANTEC.ANTIVIRUS.CORPORATE.V10.0.2.2000(英文精简版本) 共享服务时间:每天:8点至22:30点 共享服务器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5 相关信息: 软件名称 更新时间 软件评价 人气 文件大小 CG Academy Intermediate Rigging 4 (3ds max 角色面部动画搭建教程) ·CGAcademyIntermediateRiggingvol.4 软件类别: 运行环境:3ds max 6至8 1DVD 3.68G-2.71G CG Academy Intermediate Rigging 3 (3ds max 角色骨骼动画技法3) ·P>STRONG>CG-AcademyIntermediateRi 软件类别: 运行环境:9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista DVD 3.07G CG Academy Intermediate Rigging 2 (3ds max 角色骨骼动画技法2) ·P>STRONG>CG-AcademyIntermediateRi 软件类别: 运行环境:9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 877M CG Academy Intermediate Rigging 1 (3ds max 角色骨骼动画技法1) ·P>STRONG>CG-AcademyIntermediateRi 软件类别: 运行环境:9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 642M CG Academy Intermediate Texturing 1: The Unwrap UVW Tool (Max8纹理贴图教程) ·B>CGAcademyIntermediateTexturing1 软件类别: 运行环境:所有平台/软件为Max8 DVD 1.74G CG Academy Advanced Texturing 1 (3ds max 7.0-8.0 高级材质教程) ·这是本站春节前为广大Max爱好者奉献上的又一大型专业教程,STRO 软件类别: 运行环境:所有平台 1DVD 3G CG Academy Advanced Modelling 2 Technical Modelling (3ds max 精品建模教程) ·CG-academy官方最新的一部高清晰,高质量教程!3dxxax 软件类别: 运行环境:所有平台 3.06G CG Academy MAXScript Fundamentals 2 (3ds max 脚本教程) ·MAXScript教程第二张DVD,Borislxx“Bobo”P 软件类别: 运行环境:9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 701M CG-Academy MaxScript Fundamentals (3dxxax 脚本原理教程) ·3dxxax的MAXScript是一种面向对象的程序语言,它没有很 软件类别: 运行环境:9x/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 875M CG Academy Afterburn Masters 2 (Max教程) ·IMGsrc="http://www.cg-academy.net 软件类别: 运行环境:98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 854M CG Academy Particle Flow Fundamentals 5: Practical Examples (3d max教程) ·B>CGAcademyParticleFlowBasics5for 软件类别: 运行环境:98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista 787M CG Academy Advanced Modeling Sub D Creature Modeling (3Ds MAX高级建模教材) ·P>SPANclass=tpc_content>类型:3DsMAX 软件类别: 运行环境:/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/ 2.13G CG Academy Particle Flow Basics 4 for 3Ds Max (3dmax教程) ·P>SPANclass=tpc_content>类型:3DsMax 软件类别: 运行环境:/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/.Net/ 1.13G
  • 楠楠
    楠楠 2009-4-25 21:27:00


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