
2006-12-14 17:42 发布

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(Design Document for:)
游 戏 名 称
(Name of Game)

(One Liner, i.e. The Ultimate Racing Game)

(“Something funny here!”™)

All work Copyright ©2001 by 你的公司名称
(All work Copyright ©1999 by Your Company Name)

作者: Chris Taylor
译者:陈  忾(wizard_kai)

版本 # 1.00
(Version # 1.00)

Wednesday, September 19, 2001

1、作者简介:气体动力游戏(游戏小组的名称)的奠基人和《横扫千军》的制造者。(the founder of Gas Powered Games and creator of Total Annihilation. 引自GameDev.net的词典。)
目  录
Table of Contents

游戏名称(NEMA OF GAME) 1
设计历程(Design History) 5
版本 1.10 (Version 1.10)  5
版本 2.00 (Version 2.00) 5
版本 2.10 (Version 2.10) 6
游戏概述(Game Overview) 7
哲学(Philosophy) 7
哲学观点 #1 (Philosophical point #1) 7
哲学观点 #2 (Philosophical point #2) 7
哲学观点 #3 (Philosophical point #3) 7
基本问题(Common Questions) 7
这个游戏是什么?(What is the game?) 7
为什么做这个游戏?(Why create this game?) 7
这个游戏在哪里发生?(Where does the game take place?) 7
我要操作什么?(What do I control?) 8
我有几个角色可以选择?(How many characters do I control?) 8
要点是什么?(What is the main focus?) 8
与同类游戏有什么不同?(What’s different?) 8
特色设置(Feature Set) 9
特色概述(General Features) 9
联网特色(Multi-player Features) 9
编辑器(Editor) 9
玩游戏(Game play) 9
游戏世界(The Game World) 10
概述(Overview) 10
世界特色  #1(World Feature #1) 10
世界特色  #2(World Feature #2) 10
物质世界(The Physical World) 10
概述(Overview) 10
关键场所(Key Locations) 10
游历(Travel) 10
平衡(Scale) 10
物品(Objects) 11
气候(Weather) 11
白天和黑夜(Day and Night) 11
时间(Time) 11
渲染系统(Rendering System) 11
概述(Overview) 11
2D/3D 渲染(2D/3D Rendering) 11
视角(Camera) 11
概述(Overview) 11
视角描述 #1(Camera Detail #1) 12
视角描述 #2(Camera Detail #2) 12
游戏引擎(Game Engine) 12
概述(Overview) 12
游戏引擎描述 #1(Game Engine Detail #1) 12
水(Water) 12
碰撞检测(Collision Detection) 12
照明模式(Lighting Models) 12
概述(Overview) 12
照明模式描述 #1(Lighting Model Detail #1) 13
照明模式描述 #2(Lighting Model Detail #2) 13
世界规划(The World Layout) 14
概述(Overview) 14
世界规划描述 #1(World Layout Detail #1) 14
世界规划描述 #2(World Layout Detail #2) 14
游戏角色(Game Characters) 15
概述(Overview) 15
创建角色(Creating a Character) 15
敌人和怪物(Enemies and Monsters) 15
用户界面(User Interface) 16
概述(Overview) 16
用户界面描述 #1(User Interface Detail #1) 16
用户界面描述 #2(User Interface Detail #2) 16
武器(Weapons) 17
概述(Overview) 17
武器描述  #1(Weapons Details #1) 17
武器描述  #2(Weapons Details #2) 17
音乐总谱和声音效果(Musical Scores and Sound Effects) 18
概述(Overview) 18
CD音轨(Red Book Audio) 18
3D 音效(3D Sound) 18
音效设计(Sound Design) 18
单人游戏模式(Single Player Game) 19
概述(Overview) 19
单人游戏模式描述  #1(Single Player Game Detail #1) 19
单人游戏模式描述  #2(Single Player Game Detail #2) 19
故事(Story) 19
游戏时间(Hours of Game-play) 19
胜利条件(Victory Conditions) 19
多人游戏模式(Multi-player Game) 20
概述(Overview) 20
最大玩家数(Max Players) 20
服务器(Servers) 20
定制(Customization) 20
互联网(Internet) 20
游戏站点(Gaming Sites) 20
持续(Persistence) 20
存档 和 读档(Saving and Loading) 20
角色渲染(Character Rendering) 22
概述(Overview) 22
角色渲染描述 #1(Character Rendering Detail #1) 22
角色渲染描述 #2(Character Rendering Detail #2) 22
世界编辑(World Editing) 23
概述(Overview) 23
世界编辑描述 #1(World Editing Detail #1) 23
世界编辑描述 #2(World Editing Detail #2) 23
额外的、混杂的资源(Extra Miscellaneous Stuff) 24
概述(Overview) 24
我继续疯狂 ……(Junk I am working on…) 24
“XYZ 附录”(“XYZ Appendix”) 25
“目标附录”(“Objects Appendix”) 25
“用户界面附录”(“User Interface Appendix”) 25
“联网技术附录”(“Networking Appendix”) 25
“角色渲染和动画附录”(“Character Rendering and Animation Appendix”) 25
“故事附录”(“Story Appendix”) 25

设计历程(Design History)

(This is a brief explanation of the history of this document.)

(In this paragraph describe to the reader what you are trying to achieve with the design history.  It is possible that they don’t know what this is for and you need to explain it to them.)

版本 1.10(Version 1.10)

(Version 1.10 includes some tuning and tweaking that I did after making my initial pass at the design.  Here is what I changed.)
 (1.  I rewrote the section about what systems the game runs on.)
(2.  I incorporated feedback from the team into all parts of the design however no major changes were made.)
(3.  Just keep listing your changes like this.)

版本 2.00(Version 2.00)

(Version 2.00 is the first version of the design where a major revision has been made now that much more is known about the game.  After many hours of design, many decisions have been made.  Most of these large design decisions are now reflected in this document.)

 (Included in the changes are:)

(1.  Pairing down of the design scope. (Scope, not design))
(2.  More detailed descriptions in many areas, specifically A, B and C.)
Story details.)
(4.  World layout and design.)

版本 2.10(Version 2.10)

 (Version 2.10 has several small changes over that of version 2.00.  The key areas are in many of the appendixes.)

 (Included in the changes are:)

(1.  Minor revisions throughout entire document.)
(2.  Added “User Interface Appendix”.)
(3.  Added “Game Object Properties Appendix”.)
(4.  Added concept sketch for world.)

游戏概述(Game Overview)


哲学观点 #1(Philosophical point #1)

 (This game is trying to do this and that.  Fundamentally I am trying to achieve something that has never been achieved before.  Or.  This game will not try and change the world.  We are ripping off the competition so exactly that I can’t believe it.  The world will be shocked at how we are using an existing engine with new art.)

哲学观点 #2(Philosophical point #2)

 (Our game only runs on Compaq computers.  The reason for this is such and such.  We believe the world is coming to and end anyhow so what difference does it make?)

哲学观点 #3(Philosophical point #3)

 (When you create some of these overarching philosophical points about your design, say whatever you want.  Also, feel free to change it to “My game design goals” or whatever you like to call it.)

基本问题(Common Questions)

这个游戏是什么?(What is the game?)

(Describe the game is a paragraph.  This is the answer to the most common question that you will be asked.  What are you working on?)

为什么做这个游戏?(Why create this game?)

 (Why are you creating this game?  Do you love 3D shooters?  Do you think there is a hole in the market for Jell-O tossing midgets?)

这个游戏在哪里发生?(Where does the game take place?)


 (Describe the world that your game takes place in.  Simple as that.  Help frame it in the reader’s mind by spending a few sentences on it here.  You can go into lengthy detail later in a section solely dedicated to describing the world.  Remember that we want to keep this part of the design light and readable.)

我要操作什么?(What do I control?)

 (Describe what the player will control.  You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players.  If you want you can switch on the AI and turn it into a fish bowl simulation.)

我有几个角色可以选择?(How many characters do I control?)

 (If this applies talk a little more about the control choices.  Remember to add answers to questions that you think the reader will ask.  This is totally dependent on your design.)

要点是什么?(What is the main focus?)

 (Now that we know where the game takes place and what the player controls.  What are they supposed to achieve in this world?  Angry fiddle players take over the U.N. building.  Be careful not to add a bunch of salesmanship here.  Your design wants to stay light and informative.)

与同类游戏有什么不同?(What’s different?)

(Tell them what is different from the games that are attempting this in the market right now.  This question comes up a lot.)

特色设置(Feature Set)

特色概述(General Features)

巨大的世界(Huge world)
异常无聊的玩家(Mutant fiddle players)
三维图形(3D graphics)
(32-bit color)

联网特色(Multiplayer Features)

(Up to 10 million players)
(Easy to find a game)
(Easy to find your pal in huge world)
(Can chat over voice link)


(Comes with world editor)
(Get levels from internet)
(Editor is super easy to use)


(List stuff here that is key to the gameplay experience)
(List a lot of stuff here)
(Hey, if you got nothing here, is this game worth doing?)
游戏世界(The Game World)


 (Provide an overview to the game world.)

世界特色 #1(World Feature #1)

 这个片段不是假设为世界特色 #1而是假设为这个世界主要事情的标题。将世界分解为各个片段是非常重要的。(???不明白)
 (This section is not supposed to be called world feature #1 but is supposed to be titled with some major thing about the world.  This is where you break down what is so great about the game world into component pieces and describe each one.)

世界特色 #2(World Feature #2)

 (Same thing here.  Don’t sell too hard.  These features should be awesome and be selling the game on its own.)

物质世界(The Physical World)


 (Describe an overview of the physical world.  Then start talking about the components of the physical world below in each paragraph.)

(The following describes the key components of the physical world.)

关键场所(Key Locations)

 (Describe the key locations in the world here.)


 (Describe how the player moves characters around in the world.)


 (Describe the scale that you will use to represent the world.  Scale is important!) 


 (Describe the different objects that can be found in the world.)

(See the “Objects Appendix” for a list of all the objects found in the world.)


 (Describe what sort of weather will be found in the world, if any.  Otherwise omit this section.  Add sections that apply to your game design.)

白天和黑夜(Day and Night)

 (Does your game have a day and night mode?  If so, describe it here.)


 (Describe the way time will work in your game or whatever will be used.)

渲染系统(Rendering System)


 (Give an overview of how your game will be rendered and then go into detail in the following paragraphs.)

2D/3D 渲染(2D/3D Rendering)

 Describe what sort of 2D/3D rendering engine will be used.



(Describe the way the camera will work and then go into details if the camera is very complicated in sub sections.)

视角描述 #1(Camera Detail #1)

 (The camera will move around like this and that.)

视角描述 #2(Camera Detail #2)

 (The camera will sometimes move like this in this special circumstance.)

游戏引擎(Game Engine)


 (Describe the game engine in general.)

游戏引擎描述 #1(Game Engine Detail #1)

 (The game engine will keep track of everything in the world like such and such.)


 (There will be water in the world that looks awesome and our game engine will handle it beautifully.)

碰撞检测(Collision Detection)

 (Our game engine handles collision detection really well.  It uses the such and such technique and will be quite excellent.  Can you see I am having a hard time making up stupid placeholder text here?)


照明模式(Lighting Models)


 (Describe the lighting model you are going to use and then go into the different aspects of it below.)

照明模式描述 #1(Lighting Model Detail #1)

 (We are using the xyz technique to light our world.)

照明模式描述 #2(Lighting Model Detail #2)

 (We won’t be lighting the eggplants in the game because they are purple.)
世界规划(The World Layout)


 (Provide an overview here.)

世界规划描述 #1(World Layout Detail #1)

世界规划描述 #2(World Layout Detail #2)

游戏角色(Game Characters)


 (Over of what your characters are.)

创建角色(Creating a Character)

 (How you create or personalize your character.)

敌人和怪物(Enemies and Monsters)

 (Describe enemies or monsters in the world or whomever the player is trying to defeat.  Naturally this depends heavily on your game idea but generally games are about trying to kill something.)
用户界面(User Interface)


 (Provide some sort of an overview to your interface and same as all the previous sections, break down the components of the UI below.)

用户界面描述 #1(User Interface Detail #1)

用户界面描述 #2(User Interface Detail #2)



 (Overview of weapons used in game.)

武器描述 #1(Weapons Details #1)

武器描述 #2(Weapons Details #2)

音乐总谱和声音效果(Musical Scores and Sound Effects)


 (This should probably be broken down into two sections but I think you get the point.) 

CD音轨(Red Book Audio)

(If you are using Red Book then describe what your plan is here.  If not, what are you using?)

(注释:Red Book audio: The formal standards document for CD-Digital Audio, issued in 1982.  红皮书音频:CD-DA(数字音响光盘)的正式标准文件,颁布于1982年。)

3D音效(3D Sound)

(Talk about what sort of sound APIs you are going to use or not use as the case may be.)

音效设计(Sound Design)

(Take a shot at what you are going to do for sound design at this early stage.  Hey, good to let your reader know what you are thinking.)
单人游戏模式(Single-Player Game)


 (Describe the single-player game experience in a few sentences.)

 (Here is a breakdown of the key components of the single player game.)

单人游戏模式描述 #1(Single Player Game Detail #1)

单人游戏模式描述 #2(Single Player Game Detail #2)


 (Describe your story idea here and then refer them to an appendix or separate document which provides all the details on the story if it is really big.)

游戏时间(Hours of Gameplay)

 (Talk about how long the single-player game experience is supposed to last or what your thoughts are at this point.)

胜利条件(Victory Conditions)

 (How does the player win the single-player game?)
多人游戏模式(Multiplayer Game)


 (Describe how the multiplayer game will work in a few sentences and then go into details below.)

最大玩家数(Max Players)

 (Describe how many players can play at once or whatever.)


 (Is your game client-server or peer-to-peer or whatever.)


 (Describe how the players can customize the multiplayer experience.)


 (Describe how your game will work over the internet.)

游戏站点(Gaming Sites)

 (Describe what gaming sites you want to support and what technology you intend to use to achieve this.  Perhaps Dplay or TCP/IP or whatever.  It is probably a good idea to break the tech stuff out into a separate area, you decide.)


 (Describe if your world is persistent or not.)

存档和读档(Saving and Loading)

 (Explain how you can save a multiplayer game and then reload it.  If you can or why this is not possible.)

角色渲染(Character Rendering)


(Provide an overview as to how your characters will be rendered.  You may have decided to include this elsewhere or break it out to provide more detail to a specific reader.)

角色渲染描述 #1(Character Rendering Detail #1)

角色渲染描述 #2(Character Rendering Detail #2)

世界编辑(World Editing)


 (Provide an overview about the world editor.)

世界编辑描述 #1(World Editing Detail #1)

世界编辑描述 #2(World Editing Detail #2)

额外的、混杂的资源(Extra Miscellaneous Stuff)


(Drop anything you are working on and don’t have a good home for here.)

我继续疯狂……(Junk I am working on…)

疯狂的想法 #1(Crazy idea #1)

疯狂的想法 #2(Crazy idea #2)

(“XYZ Appendix”)
 (Provide a brief description of what this appendix is for and then get down to business and provide data to the reader.)

 (Here are a few examples of some of the appendices in my latest design…)

( “Objects Appendix”)

(“User Interface Appendix”)

( “Networking Appendix”)

(“Character Rendering and Animation Appendix”)

( “Story Appendix”)

 (Okay, that’s it.  I wanted to spend more time on this and really make it a great roadmap for putting a game design together.  Unfortunately it would take a ton of time and that is something that we don’t have enough of in this business.  I think you get the idea anyhow.  Also, don’t get the impression that I think a design should provide the information in any particular order, this just happened to be the way it fell out of my head when I sat down.  Change this template any way you want and if you feel you have improved on it, send it back to me and I can pass it out as an alternative to anyone that asks me in the future.)

(Good luck and all that!)

 (Chris Taylor)



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  • 暴米花
    暴米花 2006-12-14 17:46:00



    All work Copyright ©200? by  你的公司



    目 录
    1. 游戏概述 4
    1.1 为什么做这个游戏? 4
    1.2 这个游戏是什么? 4
    1.3 我要操作什么? 4
    1.4 设计要点是什么? 4
    1.5 与同类游戏有什么不同? 4
    2. 角色 5
    2.1 概述 5
    2.1.1 职业特征: 5
    2.1.2 外貌表现: 5
    2.2 角色属性 5
    2.2.1 力量 5
    2.2.2 敏捷 5
    2.2.3 体质 5
    2.2.4 能量 5
    2.3 穿戴装备 5
    2.4 技能修炼 5
    2.5 创建新角色 5
    2.5.1 创建账号 5
    2.5.2 创建角色 5
    2.5.3 敏感词汇过滤功能 5
    2.6 等级与经验 5
    2.6.1 等级的划分 5
    2.6.2 提升经验 7
    2.6.3 死亡造成经验值损失 7
    2.6.4 升级奖励 7
    3. 战斗 8
    3.1 概述 8
    3.2 控制 8
    3.2.1 鼠标 8
    3.2.2 键盘快捷键 8
    3.3 组队战斗 9
    3.3.1 经验值分配 9
    3.4 PK 9
    4. 技能系统 10
    4.1 概述 10
    4.2 技能细则 10
    4.2.1 技能1 10
    4.2.2 技能2 10
    5. 交流体系 11
    5.1 概述 11
    5.2 聊天系统 11
    5.2.1 聊天频道 11
    5.3 好友系统 11
    5.3.1 添加好友 11
    5.3.2 留言 11
    5.3.3 察看留言 11
    6. 物品 12
    6.1 概述 12
    6.2 物品细则 12
    6.3 物品掉落 12
    7. 怪物 13
    7.1 概述 13
    7.2 怪物细则 13
    7.3 怪物重生的方式 13
    8. 场景 14
    8.1 概述 14
    8.2 冒险历程 14
    9. 帮派 15
    9.1 概述 15
    9.2 操作 15
    9.2.1 如何成立帮派 15
    9.2.2 如何加入帮派 15
    9.2.3 如何退出帮派 15
    9.3 帮主的权利 15
    10. 任务系统 16
    10.1 概述 16
    10.2 细则 16
    11. 界面 17
    11.1 界面流程 17
    11.2 外壳界面(shell user interface) 17
    11.3 游戏界面(game user interface) 17
    11.3.1 主界面(main interface) 17
    11.3.2 角色界面(character interface) 17
    11.3.3 装备界面(equip interface) 17
    11.3.4 技能界面(skill interface) 17
    11.3.5 好友界面(friends interface) 17
    11.3.6 信箱界面(message interface) 17
    11.3.7 帮派界面(league interface) 17
    11.3.8 功能界面(option interface) 17
    12. 扩展想法 18
    12.1 后续开发的思路 18
    13. 附录 19
    13.1 故事附录 19
    13.2 任务附录 19
    13.3 物品附录 19
    1. 游戏概述
    1.1 为什么做这个游戏?
    1.2 这个游戏是什么?
    1.3 我要操作什么?
    1.4 设计要点是什么?
    1.5 与同1.6 类游戏有什么不同1.7 ?
    2. 角色
    2.1 概述
    2.1.1 职业特征:
    2.1.2 外貌表现:
    2.2 角色属性
    说明属性的作用及相互之间的影响方式的原则。以《Diablo II》为例。
    2.2.1 力量 物理伤害
    2.2.2 敏捷 命中值 防御值
    2.2.3 体质 生命值 体力
    2.2.4 能量 法力值
    2.3 穿戴装备2.4 
    2.5 技能修炼
    2.6 创建新角色
    2.6.1 创建账号 账号的合法构成
    2.6.2 创建角色 角色名2.6.2.2 称合法构成
    2.6.3 敏感词汇过滤功能
    2.7 等级与经验
    2.7.1 等级的划分
     (《Diablo II》的经验划分表:)
    等级 经验 下等级需求 等级 经验 下等级需求   
    1 - 500 51 51,767,302 5,069,147   
    2 500 1,000 52 56,836,449 5,525,370   
    3 1,500 2,250 53 62,361,819 6,022,654   
    4 3,750 4,125 54 68,384,473 6,564,692   
    5 7,875 6,300 55 74,949,165 7,155,515   
    6 14,175 8,505 56 82,104,680 7,799,511   
    7 22,680 10,206 57 89,904,191 8,501,467   
    8 32,886 11,510 58 98,405,658 9,266,598   
    9 44,396 13,319 59 107,672,256 10,100,593   
    10 57,715 14,429 60 117,772,849 11,009,646   
    11 72,144 18,036 61 128,782,495 12,000,515   
    12 90,180 22,545 62 140,783,010 13,080,560   
    13 112,725 28,181 63 153,863,570 14,257,811   
    14 140,906 35,226 64 168,121,381 15,541,015   
    15 176,132 44,033 65 183,662,396 16,939,705   
    16 220,165 55,042 66 200,602,101 18,464,279   
    17 275,207 68,801 67 219,066,380 20,126,064   
    18 344,008 86,002 68 239,192,444 21,937,409   
    19 430,010 107,503 69 261,129,853 23,911,777   
    20 537,513 134,378 70 285,041,630 26,063,836   
    21 671,891 167,973 71 311,105,466 28,409,582   
    22 839,864 209,966 72 339,515,048 30,966,444   
    23 1,049,830 262,457 73 370,481,492 33,753,424   
    24 1,312,287 328,072 74 404,234,916 36,791,232   
    25 1,640,359 410,090 75 441,026,148 40,102,443   
    26 2,050,449 512,612 76 481,128,591 43,711,663   
    27 2,563,061 640,765 77 524,840,254 47,645,713   
    28 3,203,826 698,434 78 572,485,967 51,933,826   
    29 3,902,260 761,293 79 624,419,793 56,607,872   
    30 4,663,553 829,810 80 681,027,665 61,702,579   
    31 5,493,363 904,492 81 742,730,244 67,255,812   
    32 6,397,855 985,897 82 809,986,056 73,308,835   
    33 7,383,752 1,074,627 83 883,294,891 79,906,630   
    34 8,458,379 1,171,344 84 963,201,521 87,098,226   
    35 9,629,723 1,276,765 85 1,050,299,747 94,937,067   
    36 10,906,488 1,391,674 86 1,145,236,814 103,481,403   
    37 12,298,162 1,516,924 87 1,248,718,217 112,794,729   
    38 13,815,086 1,653,448 88 1,361,512,946 122,946,255   
    39 15,468,534 1,802,257 89 1,484,459,201 134,011,418   
    40 17,270,791 1,964,461 90 1,618,470,619 146,072,446   
    41 19,235,252 2,141,263 91 1,764,543,065 159,218,965   
    42 21,376,515 2,333,976 92 1,923,762,030 173,548,673   
    43 23,710,491 2,544,034 93 2,097,310,703 189,168,053   
    44 26,254,525 2,772,997 94 2,286,478,756 206,193,177   
    45 29,027,522 3,022,566 95 2,492,671,933 224,750,564   
    46 32,050,088 3,294,598 96 2,717,422,497 244,978,115   
    47 35,344,686 3,591,112 97 2,962,400,612 267,026,144   
    48 38,935,798 3,914,311 98 3,229,426,756 291,058,498   
    49 42,850,109 4,266,600 99 3,520,485,254 -   
    50 47,116,709 4,650,593    

    2.7.2 提升经验
    当玩家积累的经验值达到下一个等级的需求时,则玩家升级。 经验值计算公式 奖励最后一击 多人攻击同2.7.2.4 一怪物 队友间的经验值分配
    2.7.3 死亡造成经验值损失
    不论是被怪物杀死还是被其他玩家杀死,都会损失到这个经验值所需积累的10%经验值。 经验值损失不2.7.3.2 导致降级
    2.7.4 升级奖励 属性点数奖励
    各个职业每升一级所得到的属性点数是一致的,均为5点。 技能点数奖励
    各个职业每升一级所得到的技能点数是一致的,均为1点。 属性提升

    3. 战斗
    3.1 概述
    3.2 控制
    3.2.1 鼠标3.2.2 
    3.2.3 键盘快捷键
    (《Diablo II》的键盘分配)
















    3.3 组队战斗
    3.3.1 经验值分配
    3.4 PK
    4. 技能系统
    4.1 概述
    说说技能的构成,是像《Diablo II》那样的职业专署技能树,开始《World Of Warcraft》那样的自由学习体系。
    4.2 技能细则
    4.2.1 技能1
    4.2.2 技能2
    5. 交流体系
    5.1 概述
    5.2 聊天系统
    5.2.1 聊天频道 普通频道。
    单屏内玩家可以看到,说话人头顶出现对话泡泡。 团队频道。
    只有在队伍中的玩家才能收到该聊天内容。 帮派频道。
    只有在同一个帮派里的玩家才能收到该聊天内容。 广播频道。
    服务器上所有在线的玩家都可以收到此内容。 私聊频道。
    5.3 好友系统
    5.3.1 添加好友
    5.3.2 留言
    5.3.3 察看留言
    6. 物品
    6.1 概述
    6.2 物品细则
    6.3 物品掉落
    7. 怪物
    7.1 概述
    7.2 怪物细则
    7.3 怪物重生的方式
    8. 场景
    8.1 概述
    8.2 冒险历程
    9. 帮派
    9.1 概述
    9.2 操作
    9.2.1 如何成立帮派
    9.2.2 如何加入帮派
    9.2.3 如何退出帮派
    9.3 帮主的权利
    10. 任务系统
    10.1 概述
    10.2 细则
    11. 界面
    11.1 界面流程
    11.2 外壳界面(shell user interface)
    11.3 游戏界面(game user interface)
    11.3.1 主界面(main interface)
    11.3.2 角色界面(character interface)
    11.3.3 装备11.3.4 界面(equip interface)
    11.3.5 技能界面(skill interface)
    11.3.6 好友界面(friends interface)
    11.3.7 信箱界面(message interface)
    11.3.8 帮派界面(league interface)
    11.3.9 功能界面(option interface)
    12. 扩展想法
    12.1 后续开发的思路
    13. 附录
    13.1 故事附录
    13.2 任务附录
    13.3 物品附录















    个人主页:http://www.kais-hut.com/               电子油箱:kaichen@kais-hut.com

    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-14 17:47:52编辑过]
  • 暴米花
    暴米花 2006-12-14 17:50:00



    TITLE PAGE  扉页


    Table of Content 目录

    Preface… 4
    Mission Statement… 5
    Production Overview… 6
    Game Story… 7
    Player Characters Overview… 8
    Description of Play… 9
    Object of the Game… 10
    Game Start-Up Design… 11
    Start-Up Flowchart… 12
    System Introduction… 13
    Game Introduction CG… 14
    Start Game Interface… 15
    Controller Configuration Interface… 16
    Music and Sound Configuration Interface… 17
    Screen Adjust Configuration Interface… 18
    Show CG's Seen Interface… 19
    Load Old Game Interface… 20
    In-Game Design… 21
    Gameplay Interface… 22
    Player Characters… 23
    Player Controls… 24
    Play Abilities… 25
    Collectable Items… 26
    Point Value Items… 27
    Power-Ups… 28
    Game Camera System… 29
    Global Mechanics… 30
    Global Characters… 31
    Story Characters… 32
    Global Opponents… 33
    Players World… 34
    World Flowchart… 35
    Level Descriptions… 36
    Unique Mechanics… 37
    Unique Characters… 38
    Unique Dangers… 39
    Level Opponents… 40
    Sub-Boss Characters… 41
    Boss Character… 42
    End-Game Design… 43
    Player Victory… 44
    Players Death… 45
    Player Quits… 46
    Production Technical Information… 47
    Engine Must Do List… 48
    Engine Wish List… 49
    Engine Modifications Required… 50
    Do's & Don't and Design Rules… 51
    Design Requirements… 52
    Interface Designs… 53
    Level Designs… 54
    Level Mechanic Designs… 55
    Character A.I. Designs… 56
    Story Character A.I. Designs… 57
    Global Opponents A.I. Designs… 58
    Level Specific Opponents A.I. Designs… 59
    Sub-Boss Characters A.I. Design… 60
    Boss Character A.I. Designs… 61
    Art Requirements… 62
    Player Character Concept Art Needed… 63
    Gameplay Interface Conceptual Art Needed… 64
    Collectable Items Concept Art Needed… 65
    Level Conceptual Art Needed… 66
    Level Mechanics Conceptual Art Needed… 67
    General Interface Screen Conceptual Art Needed… 68
    CG Storyboards for the Game Needed… 69
    Music & Sound Requirements… 70
    Game Background Music Needed… 71
    Player Character Sound Effects Needed… 72
    Collectable Items Sound Effects Needed… 73
    Global Mechanics Sound Effects Needed… 74
    Unique Mechanics Sound Effects Needed… 75
    Story Character Voice Tracks Needed… 76
    Global Opponents Sounds Effects Needed… 77
    Sub-Boss Characters Sound Effects Needed… 78
    Boss Character Sound Effects Needed… 79
    CG Background Music and Sound Effects Needed… 80
    Production Requirements… 81
    Staffing Needs… 82
    Equipment Needs… 83
    Software Needs… 84

    Preface… 前言


    Mission Statement… 任务声明(?)

    Production Overview… 产品概述

    Game Story… 游戏故事

    Player Characters Overview… 玩家角色概述

    Description of Play… 玩法描述

    Object of the Game… 游戏目标

    Game Start-Up Design… 游戏启动部分设计

    Start-Up Flowchart… 启动部分流程图

    System Introduction…  启动部分系统介绍

    Game Introduction CG…  美术概述

    Start Game Interface… 游戏启动部分界面

    Controller Configuration Interface… 操作设置

    Music and Sound Configuration Interface… 音乐和声音设置

    Screen Adjust Configuration Interface… 画面调节

    Show CG's Seen Interface… CG浏览


    Load Old Game Interface… 读取进度

    In-Game Design…  游戏设计

    Gameplay Interface…  游戏界面

    Player Characters… 玩家角色

    Player Controls… 玩家操作

    Play Abilities… 玩家能力

    Collectable Items…  可收集的物品

    Point Value Items…  点值物品(?)

    Power-Ups… 提升能力的物品

    Game Camera System… 游戏视角系统

    Global Mechanics… 力学系统

    Global Characters… NPC

    Story Characters… 剧情NPC

    Global Opponents… 敌方NPC

    Players World… 玩家世界

    World Flowchart… 世界流程图(?)

    Level Descriptions… 等级描述

    Unique Mechanics… 特有技能

    Unique Characters… 特有人物

    Unique Dangers… 特有危险(?)

    Level Opponents… 对手等级

    Sub-Boss Characters… 小Boss型NPC

    Boss Character…  Boss型NPC

    End-Game Design… 游戏结束部分设计

    Player Victory… 玩家胜利

    Players Death…  玩家死亡

    Player Quits… 玩家退出

    Production Technical Information… 产品技术信息

    Engine Must Do List… 引擎必要需求

    Engine Wish List… 引擎次要需求

    Engine Modifications Required…  引擎必要修正(?)

    Do's & Don't and Design Rules…  应该的和不应该的以及设计规则

    Design Requirements…  设计要求

    Interface Designs…  界面设计

    Level Designs… 等级设计

    Level Mechanic Designs…  等级技能设计

    Character A.I. Designs…  NPC A.I.设计

    Story Character A.I. Designs… 故事NPC A.I.设计

    Global Opponents A.I. Designs… 一般敌人A.I.设计

    Level Specific Opponents A.I. Designs… 特殊等级敌人A.I.设计

    Sub-Boss Characters A.I. Design…   小Boss型敌人A.I.设计

    Boss Character A.I. Designs… Boss型敌人A.I.设计

    Art Requirements… 美术需求

    Player Character Concept Art Needed…  玩家角色设计美术需求

    Gameplay Interface Conceptual Art Needed…  游戏界面美术需求

    Collectable Items Concept Art Needed…  可收集物品美术需求

    Level Conceptual Art Needed…  等级美术设计需求(?)

    Level Mechanics Conceptual Art Needed…  (等级技能美术设计需求)

    General Interface Screen Conceptual Art Needed…  普通界面美术设计需求

    CG Storyboards for the Game Needed…  CG故事板需求

    Music & Sound Requirements…  音乐和声音需求

    Game Background Music Needed… 游戏背景音乐(B.G.M.)需求

    Player Character Sound Effects Needed… 玩家角色音响效果需求

    Collectable Items Sound Effects Needed… 可收集物品音响效果需求

    Global Mechanics Sound Effects Needed…  普通技能音响效果需求

    Unique Mechanics Sound Effects Needed… 特殊技能音响效果需求

    Story Character Voice Tracks Needed…  故事NPC配音需求

    Global Opponents Sounds Effects Needed… 普通敌人音响效果需求

    Sub-Boss Characters Sound Effects Needed…  小型Boss型敌人音响效果需求

    Boss Character Sound Effects Needed…  Boss型敌人音响效果需求

    CG Background Music and Sound Effects Needed… CG背景音乐和音响效果需求

    Production Requirements…  项目需求

    Staffing Needs…  制作成员需求

    Equipment Needs…  制作硬件需求

    Software Needs… 制作软件需求

  • 暴米花
    暴米花 2006-12-14 17:53:00




    Design Document for:

    Name of Game

    One Liner, i.e. The Ultimate Racing Game

    “Something funny here!”™




    All work Copyright ©1999 by Your Company Name

    Written by Chris Taylor

    Version # 1.00

    Friday, June 16, 2000 Table of Contents

    Name of Game 1
    Design History 5
    Version 1.10 5
    Version 2.00 5
    Version 2.10 5
    Game Overview 6
    Philosophy 6
    Philosophical point #1 6
    Philosophical point #2 6
    Philosophical point #3 6
    Common Questions 6
    What is the game? 6
    Why create this game? 6
    Where does the game take place? 6
    What do I control? 6
    How many characters do I control? 6
    What is the main focus? 6
    What’s different? 7
    Feature Set 8
    General Features 8
    Multi-player Features 8
    Editor 8
    Game play 8
    The Game World 9
    Overview 9
    World Feature #1 9
    World Feature #2 9
    The Physical World 9
    Overview 9
    Key Locations 9
    Travel 9
    Scale 9
    Objects 9
    Weather 9
    Day and Night 9
    Time 10
    Rendering System 10
    Overview 10
    2D/3D Rendering 10
    Camera 10
    Overview 10
    Camera Detail #1 10
    Camera Detail #2 10
    Game Engine 10
    Overview 10
    Game Engine Detail #1 10
    Water 10
    Collision Detection 10
    Lighting Models 11
    Overview 11
    Lighting Model Detail #1 11
    Lighting Model Detail #2 11
    The World Layout 12
    Overview 12
    World Layout Detail #1 12
    World Layout Detail #2 12
    Game Characters 13
    Overview 13
    Creating a Character 13
    Enemies and Monsters 13
    User Interface 14
    Overview 14
    User Interface Detail #1 14
    User Interface Detail #2 14
    Weapons 15
    Overview 15
    Weapons Details #1 15
    Weapons Details #2 15
    Musical Scores and Sound Effects 16
    Overview 16
    Red Book Audio 16
    3D Sound 16
    Sound Design 16
    Single Player Game 17
    Overview 17
    Single Player Game Detail #1 17
    Single Player Game Detail #2 17
    Story 17
    Hours of Game-play 17
    Victory Conditions 17
    Multi-player Game 18
    Overview 18
    Max Players 18
    Servers 18
    Customization 18
    Internet 18
    Gaming Sites 18
    Persistence 18
    Saving and Loading 18
    Character Rendering 19
    Overview 19
    Character Rendering Detail #1 19
    Character Rendering Detail #2 19
    World Editing 20
    Overview 20
    World Editing Detail #1 20
    World Editing Detail #2 20
    Extra Miscellaneous Stuff 21
    Overview 21
    Junk I am working on… 21
    “XYZ Appendix” 22
    “Objects Appendix” 22
    “User Interface Appendix” 22
    “Networking Appendix” 22
    “Character Rendering and Animation Appendix” 22
    “Story Appendix” 22

    Design History

     This is a brief explanation of the history of this document.

     In this paragraph describe to the reader what you are trying to achieve with the design history.  It is possible that they don’t know what this is for and you need to explain it to them.

    Version 1.10

     Version 1.10 includes some tuning and tweaking that I did after making my initial pass at the design.  Here is what I changed.

    I rewrote the section about what systems the game runs on.
    I incorporated feedback from the team into all parts of the design however no major changes were made.
    Just keep listing your changes like this.

    Version 2.00

     Version 2.00 is the first version of the design where a major revision has been made now that much more is known about the game.  After many hours of design, many decisions have been made.  Most of these large design decisions are now reflected in this document.

     Included in the changes are:

    Pairing down of the design scope. (Scope, not design)
    More detailed descriptions in many areas, specifically A, B and C.
    Story details.
    World layout and design.

    Version 2.10

     Version 2.10 has several small changes over that of version 2.00.  The key areas are in many of the appendixes.

     Included in the changes are:

    Minor revisions throughout entire document.
    Added “User Interface Appendix”.
    Added “Game Object Properties Appendix”.
    Added concept sketch for world.

    Game Overview


    Philosophical point #1

     This game is trying to do this and that.  Fundamentally I am trying to achieve something that has never been achieved before.  Or.  This game will not try and change the world.  We are ripping off the competition so exactly that I can’t believe it.  The world will be shocked at how we are using an existing engine with new art.

    Philosophical point #2

     Our game only runs on Compaq computers.  The reason for this is such and such.  We believe the world is coming to and end anyhow so what difference does it make?

    Philosophical point #3

     When you create some of these overarching philosophical points about your design, say whatever you want.  Also, feel free to change it to “My game design goals” or whatever you like to call it.

    Common Questions

    What is the game?

    Describe the game is a paragraph.  This is the answer to the most common question that you will be asked.  What are you working on?

    Why create this game?

     Why are you creating this game?  Do you love 3D shooters?  Do you think there is a hole in the market for Jell-O tossing midgets?

    Where does the game take place?

     Describe the world that your game takes place in.  Simple as that.  Help frame it in the reader’s mind by spending a few sentences on it here.  You can go into lengthy detail later in a section solely dedicated to describing the world.  Remember that we want to keep this part of the design light and readable.

    What do I control?

     Describe what the player will control.  You will be in charge of a band of rabid mutant fiddle players.  If you want you can switch on the AI and turn it into a fish bowl simulation.

    How many characters do I control?

     If this applies talk a little more about the control choices.  Remember to add answers to questions that you think the reader will ask.  This is totally dependent on your design.


    What is the main focus?

     Now that we know where the game takes place and what the player controls.  What are they supposed to achieve in this world?  Angry fiddle players take over the U.N. building.  Be careful not to add a bunch of salesmanship here.  Your design wants to stay light and informative.

    What’s different?

    Tell them what is different from the games that are attempting this in the market right now.  This question comes up a lot.

    Feature Set

    General Features

    Huge world
    Mutant fiddle players
    3D graphics
    32-bit color

    Multiplayer Features

    Up to 10 million players
    Easy to find a game
    Easy to find your pal in huge world
    Can chat over voice link


    Comes with world editor
    Get levels from internet
    Editor is super easy to use


    List stuff here that is key to the gameplay experience
    List a lot of stuff here
    Hey, if you got nothing here, is this game worth doing?
    The Game World


     Provide an overview to the game world.

    World Feature #1

     This section is not supposed to be called world feature #1 but is supposed to be titled with some major thing about the world.  This is where you break down what is so great about the game world into component pieces and describe each one.

    World Feature #2

     Same thing here.  Don’t sell too hard.  These features should be awesome and be selling the game on its own.

    The Physical World


     Describe an overview of the physical world.  Then start talking about the components of the physical world below in each paragraph.

    The following describes the key components of the physical world.

    Key Locations

     Describe the key locations in the world here.


     Describe how the player moves characters around in the world.


     Describe the scale that you will use to represent the world.  Scale is important! 


     Describe the different objects that can be found in the world.

    See the “Objects Appendix” for a list of all the objects found in the world.


     Describe what sort of weather will be found in the world, if any.  Otherwise omit this section.  Add sections that apply to your game design.

    Day and Night

     Does your game have a day and night mode?  If so, describe it here.


     Describe the way time will work in your game or whatever will be used.

    Rendering System


     Give an overview of how your game will be rendered and then go into detail in the following paragraphs.

    2D/3D Rendering

     Describe what sort of 2D/3D rendering engine will be used.



    Describe the way the camera will work and then go into details if the camera is very complicated in sub sections.

    Camera Detail #1

     The camera will move around like this and that.

    Camera Detail #2

     The camera will sometimes move like this in this special circumstance.

    Game Engine


     Describe the game engine in general.

    Game Engine Detail #1

     The game engine will keep track of everything in the world like such and such.


     There will be water in the world that looks awesome and our game engine will handle it beautifully.

    Collision Detection

     Our game engine handles collision detection really well.  It uses the such and such technique and will be quite excellent.  Can you see I am having a hard time making up stupid placeholder text here?


    Lighting Models


     Describe the lighting model you are going to use and then go into the different aspects of it below.

    Lighting Model Detail #1

     We are using the xyz technique to light our world.

    Lighting Model Detail #2

     We won’t be lighting the eggplants in the game because they are purple.
    The World Layout


     Provide an overview here.

    World Layout Detail #1

    World Layout Detail #2

    Game Characters


     Over of what your characters are.

    Creating a Character

     How you create or personalize your character.

    Enemies and Monsters

     Describe enemies or monsters in the world or whomever the player is trying to defeat.  Naturally this depends heavily on your game idea but generally games are about trying to kill something.
    User Interface


     Provide some sort of an overview to your interface and same as all the previous sections, break down the components of the UI below.

    User Interface Detail #1

    User Interface Detail #2



     Overview of weapons used in game.

    Weapons Details #1

    Weapons Details #2

    Musical Scores and Sound Effects


     This should probably be broken down into two sections but I think you get the point. 

    Red Book Audio

     If you are using Red Book then describe what your plan is here.  If not, what are you using? 

    3D Sound

     Talk about what sort of sound APIs you are going to use or not use as the case may be. 

    Sound Design

     Take a shot at what you are going to do for sound design at this early stage.  Hey, good to let your reader know what you are thinking.
    Single-Player Game


     Describe the single-player game experience in a few sentences.

     Here is a breakdown of the key components of the single player game.

    Single Player Game Detail #1

    Single Player Game Detail #2


     Describe your story idea here and then refer them to an appendix or separate document which provides all the details on the story if it is really big.

    Hours of Gameplay

     Talk about how long the single-player game experience is supposed to last or what your thoughts are at this point.

    Victory Conditions

     How does the player win the single-player game?
    Multiplayer Game


     Describe how the multiplayer game will work in a few sentences and then go into details below.

    Max Players

     Describe how many players can play at once or whatever.


     Is your game client-server or peer-to-peer or whatever.


     Describe how the players can customize the multiplayer experience.


     Describe how your game will work over the internet.

    Gaming Sites

     Describe what gaming sites you want to support and what technology you intend to use to achieve this.  Perhaps Dplay or TCP/IP or whatever.  It is probably a good idea to break the tech stuff out into a separate area, you decide.


     Describe if your world is persistent or not.

    Saving and Loading

     Explain how you can save a multiplayer game and then reload it.  If you can or why this is not possible.

    Character Rendering


     Provide an overview as to how your characters will be rendered.  You may have decided to include this elsewhere or break it out to provide more detail to a specific reader.

    Character Rendering Detail #1

    Character Rendering Detail #2

    World Editing


     Provide an overview about the world editor.

    World Editing Detail #1

    World Editing Detail #2

    Extra Miscellaneous Stuff


    Drop anything you are working on and don’t have a good home for here.

    Junk I am working on…

    Crazy idea #1

    Crazy idea #2

     “XYZ Appendix”

     Provide a brief description of what this appendix is for and then get down to business and provide data to the reader.

     Here are a few examples of some of the appendices in my latest design…

     “Objects Appendix”

    “User Interface Appendix”

     “Networking Appendix”

    “Character Rendering and Animation Appendix”

     “Story Appendix”

     Okay, that’s it.  I wanted to spend more time on this and really make it a great roadmap for putting a game design together.  Unfortunately it would take a ton of time and that is something that we don’t have enough of in this business.  I think you get the idea anyhow.  Also, don’t get the impression that I think a design should provide the information in any particular order, this just happened to be the way it fell out of my head when I sat down.  Change this template any way you want and if you feel you have improved on it, send it back to me and I can pass it out as an alternative to anyone that asks me in the future.

     Good luck and all that!

     Chris Taylor




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