B Color Smilies


  • admin
    admin 2008-11-10 21:31:00

    回复: " Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    Strenghten up the bigger highlight again.
    Shadow the top and bottom of the shape , since it is inside another supression.
    The tube is almost finished, not onto the supression where it is inserted, make the correct highlights with a xxall brush with the dodge tool again :) and there you go ! BUT REMEMBER : there are loads of ways onto aproaching tubes, heres an image with some examples, and remember that the process is the exact xxae as this one , except that i put some burns in the middle of the highlights , heres an image too of what i mean.
  • admin
    admin 2008-11-10 21:31:00

    回复: " Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    Now comes the tricky part, the part tht will decide if you texture looks good or...not so good , we will go thru the process onto making scratches and adding color and dirt effects , the image i completed doesnt look very nice, cause the scratches are very exaggerated, and the colour is simple stupid, but as i say this will help to understand the basics of this process.
    We will start by adding the scratches, in this step use once again the highlight tool, but with a brush that resembles scratch ( you can search for grunge brushes on the net ) and spread it out till you like it , BUT REMEMBER : a surface doesnt hxxe to hxxe much scratche sto be realistic !! be moderated, not the way i did here !
    Make some scratche swith the burn tool, also not as exagerated as this one, but with xxaller itensity.
    Now with the dodge tool , with a 1 pxl brush size, with some itensity paint in a subtle highlight below the biggest dark spots that you created, this way you will make a feeling of xxaller supressions, and that this metal is kinda getting beaten.
    This step is very important, you will hxxe to pick a texture that you want and place it in the selection of the thing we hxxe been doing so far, like you can see in the image.
    now set the blending mode to overlay, the blending modes are set in the place marked in the screenshot, there are several of them, only beeing Overlay/Multiply/soft light/hard light/color hxxe the desired effects , although the color one is something else.
    To xxoid exaggeration, we will erase some of the imag, but very subtly, with a mid opacity eraser brush .
  • admin
    admin 2008-11-10 21:32:00

    回复: " Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    Now also comes a tricky part, we will paint ( yes paint , dodge and burn wont do this , since they shade according to the base texture only, so you will pick up a brush ( could be any, but heres mine )
  • admin
    admin 2008-11-10 21:34:00

    回复: " Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    anyhow, after you select your brush pick a dark brown color, and start painting in the direction of the grxxity, in this case, below , so this will make that dirt is falling from the pieces, as well paint in some parts of the pieces, try variating colors, like adding blue in the highlights . REMEMBER : the opacity in this process for the brush is VERY LOW ( around 5% or less ) , so it will resemble image below :
    now to finish it, just change the layer blending mode to multiply or overlay, i chose overlay , since these are dark tones , and here you go...you finished !!!! i hope that this tutorial was good to help someone out :)
  • 幽谷
    幽谷 2008-11-11 10:01:00

    回复:" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    教程真好 流程比较详细 现在是用直接建模光照的做法了吧
  • p4ht
    p4ht 2008-11-26 19:08:00

    回复:" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

  • 丝萱奶粉
    丝萱奶粉 2008-12-6 20:19:00

    回复:" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

  • 丝萱奶粉
    丝萱奶粉 2008-12-7 22:25:00


    Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General Surface&q制作金属贴图- 第一部分 制作金属表面的大感觉
    Software required : Adobe Photoshop What will i try to do : explain the process i use to texture metal on realtime object Method used : Dodge and burn ( its quicker than painting with brush )
    软件要求:Adobe Photoshop
    Hello everyone I kept receiving mails and requests regarding the process on how do i paint metal, for realtime models. So, I decided to make this tutorial, which will ( hopefully ) guide you thru the process , let me note that this tutorial was written in kinda haste and some stuff might not be correct :P , but here is the ending result that i will explain step by step:
    We will start by maiking a 256x256 image, and therefore apply any type of base texture for our metal, iv chosen this one ( it is not tileable )
    Now i will put in the top a somekind of reference from where our lightsource is coming , in this case, in the upper left corner.
    The next step is to create a selection of the thing we want to txture, ill make a somkind of metal box with some stuff on it, therefore i pick the rectangle selection tool ( or the polygonal lasso, since you can get this shape ) and draw a selection. Very nice except that the original selection is hard, what i mean is that everything that you paint on iut will be jagged with the exterior of its selection...we want it to be slightly soft, so when we create the selection we right click so that we can "feather" it out , in this case i used an ammount of 0.5 , see screenie for further detail.
    接下来这个步骤是如何创建一个我们要改变材质的选区,我想在这搞一个附带其他金属部件的金属盒。我使用了矩形选择工具(或者是多边形套索工具,只要你能圈出想要的形状)并画出一个选区。但此时选区是硬边的,而我们需要的效果是画出来的东西,最好是在选区之外缘形成锯齿状...我们想要一点儿软边,所以我们创建选区后将其右击,将其羽化边缘设置成0.5,观看图示以获得更多细节。 with the selection still up i will pick up the dodge tool and paint in with a very big brush ( around 300 pxl ) with very low itensity around the 10-15% , then i click on drag , etc it at the area where the lightsource is coming from. 在选区的状态下,拾取减淡工具,设置参数为一个非常大的笔刷(大致300像素)和很低的曝光度(大约10-15%),,在光源射入的方向拖曳绘制。
    If you cant find the dodge tool, heres an image to help you out.
    如果你找不到减淡工具,这张图将帮你找到它。 Now comes the harder part, we will get the dodge tool again , but this time we will hxxe a very xxall brush for the highlights of the edges, this will used to create a specular highlight effect that we see so commonly in metal, so you paint it in the areas where there are edges. 接着我们进入相对较难的部分,再次拾取减淡工具,但这次我们使用一个很小直径的笔刷在物体边缘区域进行处理,来做出一种在金属材质上非常普遍的特有高光边缘。 After the previous step we will create a selection , in this case the area above the top edge to give it depthness , and dont forget, always feather your selections in order to xxoid hard edges 经过以上的步骤我们能做出一个选区,在本例中靠上方的区域即是表示一个高度,别忘记,总是设置你的选区带点羽化,以免产生生硬的边缘 Following that we will do the same we did with placing the lightsource , but this time it will be inside the selection that we hxxe made, so paint it with the dodge tool again NOTE : THE DODGE TOOL ALWAYS HAS THE "HIGHLIGHT" FUNCTION ON , we do the same with the edge in the left. 接下来要用类似我们放置高光的方法,但这次只局限在我们前面框选的区域里,也就是用减淡工具处理,(减淡工具总是被用来做出高光和反射光的效果),在左边区域也进行此操作。 Now we select the area inside , wich wont sufer much editing, and feather it out and give a slight shadow coming from the top , for this we use the BURN TOOL with the same settings as the dodge tool, ( highlight mode 现在选择里边的区域,它不需要很多的编辑,羽化它并在左上角用加深工具给予轻微的阴影,用高光模式哦,设置也和减淡工具类似。 Taking the next step will be doing the exact thing in step 8 , except that we will start shadowing the down areas , with the burn tool again. 像我们第八步里做的,我们再用加深工具将阴影赋予右下和下边的两块表示深度的区域。 This next step will be the one where you hxxe to make it really seem that there is a realistic lightsource, so you select again ur starting selection of the rectangle, and apply again a filter modifier, but now ull right click and click on "select inverse" in this way we will be able to paint the exterior without messing around the interior , WE get the burn tool again and we will start painting in under with more itensity and very low itensity on the top , until we get a hard shadow, and try to make the transition between the elevated metal and the texture in the background seem noticable, by painting it with a xxall brush ( maybe 5 pxls ) with color burn in the areas that the texture starts. 接下来这步是让金属呈现出现实效果的光源。框选最初我们选择的矩形区,右击并选择反选,用加深工具给靠近的地方涂上阴影,尽量让底面和凸起之间的过渡显目一些。这样选区的好处是你在处理外缘的时候不会将效果加到我们不需要的区域里,比如把中间给搞糊了。 再次选择加深工具,在下边用较深而上边很浅的处理,直到我们得到满意的阴影效果。尝试让底面和凸起物件间的过渡更醒目,可以用一个5像素大小的画笔在材质开始的区域加深隔断。 We are almost done with Part 1 !! , now this is where your original part comes, you will pcik the dodge or burn tool and mess around till you think you got the desirable effeect, in my texture i darkened a bit the shadow areas, and made the transition between the base and the elevated metal even more noticable ,as well as some random noodling. 第一部分几乎做完了!!现在就是你自由发挥的时刻了,你可以拾取减淡或加深工具进行涂抹修改以使之更接近你所认为的现实效果,我呢就相当随意地抹了几笔,在阴影处再加深点,并让基座和凸起物件间更显眼。
  • 丝萱奶粉
    丝萱奶粉 2008-12-7 22:28:00

    回复: " Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    制作金属贴图- 第二部分 作者:Johny In the previous part i hxxe showed you some basic directions toward making the surface that we are going to texture, this time we will create something very common in metal textures , the rivets, that can be turned into nails, screws, etc...below is an image of some of them i ussually create for my textures , as you may notice the process is quite the same , although the environment chages a bit and that you must pay attention , because if a rivet is in plastic wich has sand , it wont be that shiney and its color will hxxe some of the environment color. Take a look at the image : 在前面的部分我展示了制作金属材质表面的基本方向。这部分我们要制作一些在金属上常见的小部件,我用铆钉作为例子,你也可以模仿将之应用在钉子,螺丝钉,等等...边上是一张我经常使用的材质式样,你会发现它们的制作过程相当的类似,但你要注意它们会随外部环境的变化而产生一点微妙的变化,比如当它是在一个磨砂处理的塑料制品上,它就不会有锐利分明的光泽,并且它的颜色会带上一点环境色。仔细看看这张图。 As usual to soften down the shadows we will feather the selection a bit again , if you hxxent understood why i keep using the feather option, take a look at the image below, you will see that the circle is much more soft thou not very exagerated on the right , thats the effect we want for shadows. 像往常一样,我们在制作阴影时要将选区稍微羽化边缘,如果你不能理解为什么我们总是用羽化边缘的办法,看看下面这张图,你将看到这个圆比右图的圆,其选区内外会更隔合,这就是我们要让阴影呈现的效果 This step is the most important in my opinion because thru the burn tool ( set in highlight mode as well with around 30 or 40 opacity - you decide- ) we will make the bottom shadow of the rivet, dont forget, make it all in the circle, but dont forget the lightsource , this means that the area below right will hxxe a more quantity of shadows on it. 我觉得这步是本节最重要的一部分,因为我们要用加深工具(参数:高光模式、30-40曝光度)制作出打底阴影,将其覆盖整个圆,别忘记光源,也就是说右下的阴影要比左上的更重。 The dodge tool also makes wonders, doesnt it ? we select it and set it to highlights too, in order to bring up the higher tones with more realistic look ( around the same opacity as burn, it really doesnt matter ) and we paint some of it in the place of direct contact with the light, therefore it will be wide. 加深减淡工具是很神奇的,不是吗?我们选择减淡工具并选择高光模式,来提亮高光色调,使之更真实,(就用加深一样的设置,没有什么关系)从光线照来的方向绘上一些,让高光区变宽 i just deselected the image to be easier for people to see the general effect , but after your done with the previous step , you will add another highlight on top of the previous ones, preferably with a xxaller brush and maybe the same, a bit lower itensity 我将其缩小放远并截了这张图,更方便大家来看出其大体的效果。你可以加上用小点或相同的笔刷,强度小一些,在上一步的基础上,再加上另一些高光。 At the right side of the highlight we will make another highlight using the same process, although note that this one is xxaller althou more curved to follow the sphere shape 用同样的办法加右下的反射光,用弯一些小一些的笔触将圆球的空间感勾勒突显出来。 now its the time to darken even more the shadow at the bottom , but very subtly, to make the sphere gain height 现在将底部的阴影加深,让圆球的高度隐隐约约的显现出来。 This step should be added at the end of making this, but since the surface is simple wwe can make it now, you will get the dodge tool again, and will set its option to Midtone instead of the highlight, and with a xxall brush too, you will paint a stripe following the spheres direction too , but at the bottom, NOTE THAT ACCORDING TO THE ENVIRONMENT THIS RIVET MUST HAVE THIS DETAIL COLORED THE SAME TONE ( example, in s red metal, this detail will get redish, and so on ) 这步可以在绘制的最后来进行,也可以在画面尚且简洁的现在来添加。拾取加深减淡工具,将其设置从高光模式调到中间调模式,将笔刷大小调小,你可以在球下方沿着球面画一些与底色不同的条纹。这是根据环境色的原理,这个铆钉要有些与底色相近的调子。(例如一块红色的金属,这些细节就是泛红) Like we did with the part 1, we will get the feathered selection again and invert it , in order to paint a shadow below the rivet ( do not use layer effects , painted by had is better because you hxxe more control and can deform the shadow if you want the way you want ) , and make that shadow with the burn tool in the metal, again , follow the lightsource and paint it below. 就像我们在第一部分做的,为了在铆钉的外围在画个阴影,我们再次选择羽化边缘的选区并反选,(不要使用图层叠加,直接描画会更好,因为你能更好的控制变形那些阴影,变成你需要的),用加深工具来描绘那些阴影,用减淡工具来画底部的光源 And here it is, quite simple isnt it ? Remember that my rivet seems a bit blurry because the lightsource isnt very sharp , in order to fix this add more shadows to the bottom and make highlights more bright, do it as you like it wont mess what you created so far. In the third part, where we will learn how to make a realistic hole in the metal, wich is EVEN EASIER than this wich we hxxe came so far ;) 就是这样,很简单,不是吗?本例中我的铆钉显得有点模糊,那是因为光源有点散射非聚焦光,为了保证这个效果,加更多的阴影在底部,让高光部更亮,放胆去做不要怕弄乱了我们至今为止获得的效果。在第三部分,我们将学习怎么在金属上制作一个真实的洞眼,比我们完成的这些更简单哦。
  • 丝萱奶粉
    丝萱奶粉 2008-12-7 22:30:00

    回复:" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General...

    第三部分明天再翻吧,看起来不难,但翻起来揣摩作者的用意和勘酌合适的用词,也挺麻烦的 累撒
" Texturing Metal - Part 1 Making the General Surface&q 
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