Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n 

2008-11-04 18:43 发布

InfoHelena the Archer is a project I made for fun. The inspiration behind her came from Korean online game artworks, where beautiful girls dressed in armor and carrying weapons. Of course I also add a little touch of my taste in this artwork. As for the falcon, I simply wanted to make a companion or a pet for her. The softwares that I used are 3d Studio Max 9 for modeling, Deep Paint 3D and Photoshop for texturing and compositing , and also Vray for rendering. Concept DesignThese are my concepts for Helena the Archer. Few tweaks were done for the armor. There’s no particular concept or reference for the face, I just tweaked proportions until I am satisfied with it. At first I wanted to make an eagle as her pet ( as you can see in this early concept ) but initially I changed it to falcon, simply because there is already many artwork involving eagles. I also wanted to make the falcon as a mount but dropped this idea and only made it as her companion. ModelingThe modeling part is the most time consuming of all. First I model her full body including simple hair and clothes. Then after some suggestions from friends, I tweaked the body into a better and more mature proportions. The technique that I used were polygon modeling. I modeled half of her body and face, and then applied a symmetry modifier and Turbosmooth on top of my model. For the armors, I model them from a single plane, and then I cut and connect the edges to follow the shape in my concept. Last, I applied a shell modifier to give a thickness to it. Same technique applied to other props like her belts and straps.Hairs are done with plane and opacity maps. Eyebrow and eyelash are also done with the same technique. I find this faster than using hair and fur in max. TexturingBasic texture for the face and the body were done with Deep Paint 3D. It’s really helpful to paint straight to the mesh, instead of having to paint on the UVs as we normally do. The falcon were a very challenging part to texture. That’s because I had to paint all the fur into its body ( I didn’t use any images accept references for this process ). Again, Deep Paint 3D helps me to achieve this.The fur on the wings of the falcon were placed one by one. I made 2 textures for this, the light color for the bottom part of the wings, and darker one for the top. For the armors, I bake a dirtmap using plugins called quickdirt. The results is a base texture with dark and light areas ready to process in Photoshop. Next process is overlaying the texture with images of metals and dirts. I also apply a layer of yellow to give overall color to the texture.Speculars are simply a desaturated version of the color(diffuse) map, but with an little adjustments on the brightness/contrast. Here’s how my model looked after the texturing is done.


B Color Smilies


  • 小兜兜
    小兜兜 2008-11-4 18:52:00

    回复: Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

    Lighting and RenderingThe lighting is actually quite simple. I use 2 Vray Light positioned in front and side of her. I also use an HDRI images to get a good reflections on shiny parts as armors, bow, crystals, and eyes. Vray were used to render this scene. Again, nothing special on the settings. I just keep the settings as default, accept for the antialiasing and skylight settings. I changed the antialiasing filter into Catmull-Rom to get a nice and crisp rendered image, and giving an HDRI maps on the skylight and reflection/refraction slots. Here’s my final render without any post production editing. Post editingPost editing is a very important step in making this artwork. I compose the final rendered image with background that I painted in Photoshop. I also did some colour correction for the characters, giving her a nice and subtle green glow to match the background. Here’s my final artwork with compositing, and some detail shot of her.
  • 醉清风
    醉清风 2008-11-4 18:59:00

    回复:Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

  • 醉清风
    醉清风 2008-11-5 22:20:00

    回复:Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

  • 梦儿
    梦儿 2008-11-5 23:46:00

    回复:Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

  • 木头
    木头 2008-11-6 10:07:00

    回复:Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

  • danzer
    danzer 2008-11-6 13:17:00

    回复: Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

    弓手海纶娜是我一时心血来潮而创作的,灵感来自于一款韩国网络游戏中的角色,该游戏里的每一位美女都,穿铠甲,拿兵器!!!不过俺根据自己的兴趣做了一点点修改,比如说那只猎鹰,我把它设计成海纶娜的宠物。我用3d Studio Max 9来建模,在DEEPPAINT3D和PS里制作纹理并合成材质,用VR渲染。 下面就是海纶娜的概念稿。盔甲做了N次调整。没有根据任何实物及现成的图参考制人物的面部特征,全凭自己的感觉在设计。 最初我想把海纶娜的宠物设计成一只狮鹫,但在深思后把它改为一只猎鹰,否则就喧宾夺主了,而且很多作品里面都用狮鹫不想重复。本来设计这只猎鹰作为骑乘但后来还是把它放在海纶娜的肩膀上。 建模部分很耗时,首先我要制作她的整个身体包括头发及衣服,听了一些朋友的意见之后,我把她的身材调整得更加成熟。 我用polygon建模。先只做身体与头部的一半,然后添加symmetry modifier 和Turbosmooth。我用一个plane来建盔甲,然后根据我的稿图通过剪切和连接来完成,接着用一个SHELL来增加厚度。腰带跟皮带也是用同样的方法。头发,眉毛,睫毛用平面加不透明贴图完成的,我认为这样比MAX的hair and fur 快很多! 面部与身体基础纹理贴图都是在DEEP PAINT 3D里面完成的,与UV贴图比起来用DEEP PAINT 3D直接在网格上绘图实在方便许多。 给猎鹰绘制纹理贴图成为了一次挑战,因为我必须要把整个猎鹰都画上毛,而我没有任何外部参照物。SO我再次利用了DEEP PAINT 3D搞定。翅膀必须用两张贴图,亮点的作为底部翅膀的纹理,深点的最为顶部纹理。 铠甲贴图我用QUICKDIRT的插件烘焙了一张DIRT贴图,在PS里面调整一些明暗域,然后用QUICKDIRT就很容易。下一步就是在PS里面做好图片跟金属和DIRT混合起来就可以了,合成效果添加了一个黄色的图层,产生一些光泽效果,高光就是不饱和的漫反射贴图,然后加一点光泽度跟对比度的调整。以下就是我的贴图效果 灯光和渲染设置就比较简单。我在前面和旁边放置了两个VR灯光。用HDRI图片赋予铠甲和弓箭,水晶和眼睛增强反射效果,接着用vray渲染。灯光的设置没什么特别,反锯齿方式我用的是CATMUL-ROM,这样细节部分的渲染效果就比较好了。然后在天光和反折射上添加一张HDRI图片,下面是没有处理过的渲染结果 后期处理尤为重要。我用PS制作黑色背景,同时给人物进行一些调色,添加一个浅绿色的发光来提亮背景烘托人物,下面是后期处理好的最终合成效果和添加细节的效果 ~~~~~~——————————————下面我把LZ删掉的作者介绍也补上———————————— @话说LZ用了人家的教程居然还不写明作者,同是玩CG的在这里我深表惋惜,要懂得 饮水思源, 一名优秀的CGARTIST要 德艺双馨 ! My name is Marthin Agusta Simny. I’m 24 years old and I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I work at Funline Studio as 3d artist, in charge of modeling and texturing characters and props for game. 3d have always become my passion and I always try to improve my skills by creating personal projects. 我叫Marthin Agusta Simny,24岁住在雅加达(印尼),我为Funline Studio 工作是一名3D 艺术家,主要负责游戏的建模和纹理贴图的绘制,我3D创作充满激情,常通过创建个人作品来提高技艺!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------华丽的分割线———————————————— 1.希望各位以后能注明作者及出处,毕竟人家写教程不容易! 2.毕竟是免费教程没有多少核心技术及难点,希望能有猛点的付费的教程就好了~~~笑~~~那就先拜谢了!! 3.还有希望大家在上传图片时不要压缩,否则出现了色偏,噪点会给分析材质和不光带来误导!
  • danzer
    danzer 2008-11-6 13:20:00

    回复: Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

    弓手海纶娜是我一时心血来潮而创作的,灵感来自于一款韩国网络游戏中的角色,该游戏里的每一位美女都,穿铠甲,拿兵器!!!不过俺根据自己的兴趣做了一点点修改,比如说那只猎鹰,我把它设计成海纶娜的宠物。我用3d Studio Max 9来建模,在DEEPPAINT3D和PS里制作纹理并合成材质,用VR渲染。 下面就是海纶娜的概念稿。盔甲做了N次调整。没有根据任何实物及现成的图参考制人物的面部特征,全凭自己的感觉在设计。 最初我想把海纶娜的宠物设计成一只狮鹫,但在深思后把它改为一只猎鹰,否则就喧宾夺主了,而且很多作品里面都用狮鹫不想重复。本来设计这只猎鹰作为骑乘但后来还是把它放在海纶娜的肩膀上。 建模部分很耗时,首先我要制作她的整个身体包括头发及衣服,听了一些朋友的意见之后,我把她的身材调整得更加成熟。 我用polygon建模。先只做身体与头部的一半,然后添加symmetry modifier 和Turbosmooth。我用一个plane来建盔甲,然后根据我的稿图通过剪切和连接来完成,接着用一个SHELL来增加厚度。腰带跟皮带也是用同样的方法。头发,眉毛,睫毛用平面加不透明贴图完成的,我认为这样比MAX的hair and fur 快很多! 面部与身体基础纹理贴图都是在DEEP PAINT 3D里面完成的,与UV贴图比起来用DEEP PAINT 3D直接在网格上绘图实在方便许多。 给猎鹰绘制纹理贴图成为了一次挑战,因为我必须要把整个猎鹰都画上毛,而我没有任何外部参照物。SO我再次利用了DEEP PAINT 3D搞定。翅膀必须用两张贴图,亮点的作为底部翅膀的纹理,深点的最为顶部纹理。 铠甲贴图我用QUICKDIRT的插件烘焙了一张DIRT贴图,在PS里面调整一些明暗域,然后用QUICKDIRT就很容易。下一步就是在PS里面做好图片跟金属和DIRT混合起来就可以了,合成效果添加了一个黄色的图层,产生一些光泽效果,高光就是不饱和的漫反射贴图,然后加一点光泽度跟对比度的调整。以下就是我的贴图效果 灯光和渲染设置就比较简单。我在前面和旁边放置了两个VR灯光。用HDRI图片赋予铠甲和弓箭,水晶和眼睛增强反射效果,接着用vray渲染。灯光的设置没什么特别,反锯齿方式我用的是CATMUL-ROM,这样细节部分的渲染效果就比较好了。然后在天光和反折射上添加一张HDRI图片,下面是没有处理过的渲染结果 后期处理尤为重要。我用PS制作黑色背景,同时给人物进行一些调色,添加一个浅绿色的发光来提亮背景烘托人物,下面是后期处理好的最终合成效果和添加细节的效果 ~~~~~~——————————————下面我把LZ删掉的作者介绍也补上———————————— @话说LZ用了人家的教程居然还不写明作者,同是玩CG的在这里我深表惋惜,要懂得 饮水思源, 一名优秀的CGARTIST要 德艺双馨 ! My name is Marthin Agusta Simny. I’m 24 years old and I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. I work at Funline Studio as 3d artist, in charge of modeling and texturing characters and props for game. 3d have always become my passion and I always try to improve my skills by creating personal projects. 我叫Marthin Agusta Simny,24岁住在雅加达(印尼),我为Funline Studio 工作是一名3D 艺术家,主要负责游戏的建模和纹理贴图的绘制,我3D创作充满激情,常通过创建个人作品来提高技艺!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------华丽的分割线———————————————— 1.希望各位以后能注明作者及出处,毕竟人家写教程不容易! 2.毕竟是免费教程没有多少核心技术及难点,希望能有猛点的付费的教程就好了~~~笑~~~那就先拜谢了!! 3.还有希望大家在上传图片时不要压缩,否则出现了色偏,噪点会给分析材质和不光带来误导!
  • admin
    admin 2008-11-6 13:47:00

    回复:Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

    感谢 danzer 的翻译,建议可以在翻译的文字中相同位置插入图片(在回复纽上点击右键-在新的窗口中打开连接,然后直接拷贝上文的图片粘贴过去就好了)加分鼓励。希望danzer 再完善下
  • dinosaurkonglon
    dinosaurkonglon 2008-11-27 21:51:00

    回复: Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n

    hao tie!!!


Making of Helena The Archer by m4rxti4n 
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