
2011-07-10 15:51 发布

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3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材):
3d.sk 人体素材库,三维人物角色建模必备,美术参考.女性魅力,,人体艺术,各种姿态,高分辨率,可直接用于贴图.3d.sk是世界最大人体素材库
Character Photo References for 3D Artists and Game Developers 专为3D艺术家和游戏开发师而拍摄的人体参考图库.
[img=644,480]mhtml:file://I:\3D人体魅力女性素材\3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材) - E维商务,下载,资讯网.mht![/img]
3D Sk新一版人体贴图,超高分辨率,一份难得的素材库.令你不再为找不着人体素材发愁
[img=644,482]mhtml:file://I:\3D人体魅力女性素材\3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材) - E维商务,下载,资讯网.mht![/img]
“不管你是在梦工厂工作还是在 Playstation, 3D.SK同它不断壮大的图像库已经成为了你的材质的必要源头,Peter Levius带领着3D.SK与Playstation合作开发多面性和高品质的产品,以期达使PS3和下一代具有照片级的真实感。
"Learn Human Female from real woman photos and create stunning art"
What is the secret of amazing character drawing? Is it talent or skill? Would you like to master it?
[img=645,492]mhtml:file://I:\3D人体魅力女性素材\3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材) - E维商务,下载,资讯网.mht![/img]
The average photo is 3000 x 2000 pixels so there is enough detail for the production of 3D characters for cinematic sequences as well as next generation game characters. The latest photo updates have a 16Mpx (4992 x 3360) resolution. Please scroll down for full resolution free samples.
[img=644,486]mhtml:file://I:\3D人体魅力女性素材\3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材) - E维商务,下载,资讯网.mht![/img]
All 3D.sk subscriptions include:
• Texture Source Photos
• Modeling Reference Photos
• Animation Reference Photos and Movies
• Details of Eyes, Faces, Hands etc.
[img=645,479]mhtml:file://I:\3D人体魅力女性素材\3Dsk References Human Female Kamila (3D人体魅力女性素材) - E维商务,下载,资讯网.mht![/img]
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