
2010-03-02 17:36 发布

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本帖最后由 δ弥κ留 于 2011-9-25 16:39 编辑

迈出第一步,唯有新加坡 Careers@Singapore: Interactive & Digital Media Industry 2010 年新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会报道四 新加坡选拔会职位测试真题解析 活动周期:2010120日——2010328 选拔会流程:简历收集——选拔说明会——面试 官方网站:www.careers-singapore.com 文章来源:《数码设计?CGW 很多关注者向我们反映,希望能够直接了解新加坡企业考察应聘者的具体方式和要求。在以下的内容中,新加坡卢卡斯电影动画公司为我们提供了杰迪大师计划的测试题。之前我们也提到过,杰迪大师计划旨在公司培养可以立即参与制作工作的人才。也是新加坡卢卡斯电影动画公司吸纳人才的重要途径之一。大家能够通过这道测试题更加直观了解新加坡企业对应聘者的要求。

Jedi Masters Program Candidate Test

Organic Modeling Test

The goal of this test is to give us a sense of how you approach modeling organic shapes and to also to give you a better idea of the types of challenges faced by modelers at Lucasfilm Animation Singapore.

Using the 3D applications you are most familiar with (we use Maya and ZBrush

at the studio), model the orchid in the photos below (high-resolution image files

are included with this test).

Do your best to create geometry that matches the orchid pictured exactly. Be

sure to model the entire plant shown, including three open blossoms, six closedbuds and the segmented stem.

Reference Photos:

Above are photographs of four different views of the same orchid stem. The plant was rotated

approximately 90° for each photograph. Some attempt was made to keep each view in scale with one another, but because of the stem’s shape, the size of each may need to be adjusted.

Above are close-up photographs of one of the blossoms. This should give a better sense of the

shape of the petals and the way they connect with the stem.

Assignment Details

What You Need to Send Us

You will need to send us your project files to review. If you create your basemeshin one application (Maya, 3ds max, XSI, Modo), and sculpt displacement inanother (ZBrush, Mudbox), send us each separate file. This will allow us toevaluate your geometry.

In addition to your project files, generate a series of grey-shaded (or some otherneutral, easy to read surface) still images of your model from the same fourangles shown in the reference photos above. JPEG images are fine.

The Lucasfilm recruiter who sent you this test will have details about delivery of

your files to us.




点评人:张磊。澳大利亚格里菲斯大学昆士兰美术学院视觉艺术博士。038月就职于澳大利亚Fuzzyeyes Studio,任场景设计师。参与开发模拟经营类游戏《Hotdog HotGirl》,负责全部场景的设计工作并参与后期三维制作;参与开发AAA次时代冒险类RPG游戏《Edge of Twilight》,主要负责游戏场景的三维制作。

活动进展 Careers@Singapore: Interactive & Digital Media Industry(2010年新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会)自1月20日启动以来,受到了业界的广泛关注和好评。截止至2月20日(第一阶段简历提交截止日期),活动官方网站(www.careers-singapore.com)已拥有超过500人的注册会员。在此提醒大家,第二阶段的简历提交截止日期已提前至3月18日。 如果您还没有填写简历 请尽快登录活动官方网站www.careers-singapore.com,点击页面右上角的“修改填写简历”按钮,依次、完整地填写简历的各个板块。请注意,您必须使用英文填写简历,否则您的任何中文信息都将被视为无效。若您的简历中存在中文信息,请立即更新您的简历。 如果您还没有上传作品 在简历填写完毕之前,您必须进入“作品上传”板块上传最佳个人作品,否则您的简历会被视为填写不完整,您将无法申请职位。您可以上传不超过5张JPEG格式的图片,不超过3分钟的FLV格式的视频,以及其它格式的文件。主办方将对申请人的所有申请资料进行严格保密,不与和本次活动无关的第三方分享,或用作任何商业目的。 如果您还没有申请职位 请在登录状态下进入“工作机会”页面,点击雇主logo以了解雇主介绍及职位详情,或直接点击职位名称查看职位介绍。在职位介绍页面,点击“申请该职位”按钮即可递交简历。 关于测试题 如果您想申请新加坡卢卡斯电影动画公司(Lucasfilm Animation Singapore)的以下职位,您必须参加相关的水平测试,否则您的申请将被视为无效:Modeler, Senior Modeler, Lead Modeler, Lead Environment Modeler, Lead Character Modeler, Character Supervisor, Environment Supervisor, Hard Surface Model Supervisor; Texture Artist, Senior Texture Artist, Lead Texture Artist。 请在登录状态下进入相应的职位介绍页面点击“申请该职位”投递简历。之后返回该页面下载测试题,完成测试后点击页面右上角的“个人后台”按钮进入“简历投递记录”板块,对应相关职位上传测试题。请认真阅读测试题的相关要求以及提示信息,未按要求递交的测试文件将被视为无效。 国际CG巨鳄(Lucasfilm Animation SingaporeRainbow Media Pte LtdSparky Animation)与新加坡本地企业火热招聘。近20个职位虚席以待! Character Supervisor Environment Supervisor Hard Surface Model Supervisor Character Modeler Lead Environment Modeler” Lead Modeler Modeler Senior Modeler Lead Texture Artist Senior Texture Artist Texture Artist Assistant Producer Software Engineer Software Engineer (Platform) 3D Animator Conceptual Artists 3D Computer Artists ( Lighting and/or Compositing ) Senior Technical Director (Character Animation) Senior Technical Director (Special Effects) ...... 详情请登录活动官方网站:www.careers-singapore.com
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