2009-09-10 20:09 发布

5301 1 1
if nc_tools != undefined then closeRolloutFloater nc_tools nc_tools=newrolloutfloater "GB_Tools" 160 820 1120 5 fn bone_scale idx= ---缩放骨骼的函数 ( select $Bone* for i in selection do ( if i.parent == undefined then (i.scale = i.scale * idx) else ( if classof i.parent == Biped_Object then ( i.pos = (i.pos - i.parent.transform.pos)*idx + i.parent.transform.pos; i.scale = i.scale * idx ) ) ) ) fn addmap mapfile = ( local mapfileN=mapfile as name local index=finditem mapfiles mapfileN if index == 0 do append mapfiles mapfileN ) fn copybitmap old_files new_patch = ( for f in old_files do ( filename = filenameFromPath f newfile = (new_patch + "\\" + filename) copyFile f newfile ) ) global tmparrayforbipsel = #() --全局变量 fn SelChildren sel= ( append tmparrayforbipsel sel --把自己加进选择集 for i = 1 to sel.children.count do ( tempsel = sel.children append tmparrayforbipsel tempsel --把子物体加进选择集 if tempsel != undefined do SelChildren tempsel ) return tmparrayforbipsel ) function guiling trans = ( ) function savedate = --这个脚本里没有用这个函数 ( f=createFile ((getFilenamePath (GetExportValue "NiFilename"))+file_name+".txt") format "%\n" (file_name + " ParentName: " ) to: f close f ) fn SetTwoKey = ( sliderTime = animationrange.end max set key keys sliderTime = animationrange.start max set key keys ) -----------------第1个卷展栏------------------------------------------------------------ rollout Tools_modle "建模工具" width:148 height:130 ( button hit1 "重置Xform" pos:[5,5] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"重置xform,位移旋转归零,缩放归100%" button hit2 "翻转法线" pos:[5,30] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"如发现法线不正确,可以试用本工具翻转法线" button hit3 "渲染小图标" pos:[5,55] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"渲染64*64的小图标" --如果想渲染其他大小图标,可以搜索64,修改成其他数值。 button hit4 "转为GB材质(场景)" pos:[5,80] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"把场景中全部材质转换为GB材质" button hit6 "转为GB材质(角色)" pos:[5,105] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"把场景中全部材质转换为GB材质" button hit5 "转为普通材质" pos:[5,130] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"把场景中全部材质转换为普通材质" on hit1 pressed do ( if selection.count ==0 then ( messagebox "请选择一个要处理的物体" beep:false ) else ( holdMaxFile() try ( ResetXForm $ ) catch () try ( convertToPoly $ ) catch () try ( ResetTransform $ ) catch () try ( $.Pivot = [0,0,0] ) catch () ) )--end on on hit2 pressed do ( if selection.count ==0 then ( messagebox "请选择一个要处理的物体" beep:false ) else ( holdMaxFile() try ( addmodifier $ (normalmodifier flip:true) ) catch () try ( convertToMesh $ ) catch () ) )--end on on hit3 pressed do ( renderWidth = 64 renderHeight = 64 max quick render )--end on on hit4 pressed do ( for i in 1 to sceneMaterials.count do ( m = sceneMaterials if classof m == Multimaterial then ( for n in 1 to m.materialList.count do ( m.materialList[n].shaderType = 2 m.materialList[n].adTextureLock = off m.materialList[n].ambient = color 0 0 0 m.materialList[n].Diffuse = color 255 255 255 m.materialList[n].emittance = color 200 200 200 m.materialList[n].SrcVertexMode = 0 m.materialList[n].LightingMode = 1 for a = 1 to m.materialList[n].maps.count do ( if m.materialList[n].maps[a] != undefined then ( m.materialList[n].maps[a].filtering = 2 ) ) ) ) else if classof m == Standardmaterial then ( m.shaderType = 2 m.adTextureLock = off m.ambient = color 0 0 0 m.Diffuse = color 255 255 255 m.emittance = color 200 200 200 m.SrcVertexMode = 0 m.LightingMode = 1 for a = 1 to m.maps.count do ( if m.maps[a] != undefined then ( m.maps[a].filtering = 2 ) ) ) ) )--end on on hit5 pressed do ( for i in 1 to sceneMaterials.count do ( m = sceneMaterials if classof m == Multimaterial then ( for n in 1 to m.materialList.count do ( m.materialList[n].shaderType = 1 m.materialList[n].adTextureLock = on m.materialList[n].ambient = color 150 150 150 m.materialList[n].Diffuse = color 150 150 150 ) ) else if classof m == Standardmaterial then ( m.shaderType = 1 m.adTextureLock = on m.ambient = color 150 150 150 m.Diffuse = color 150 150 150 ) ) )--end on on hit6 pressed do ( for i in 1 to sceneMaterials.count do ( m = sceneMaterials if classof m == Multimaterial then ( for n in 1 to m.materialList.count do ( m.materialList[n].shaderType = 2 m.materialList[n].twoSided = on m.materialList[n].alphaMode = 1 m.materialList[n].adTextureLock = off m.materialList[n].ambient = color 255 255 255 m.materialList[n].Diffuse = color 255 255 255 m.materialList[n].Specular = color 255 255 255 m.materialList[n].emittance = color 255 255 255 m.materialList[n].SrcVertexMode = 1 m.materialList[n].LightingMode = 0 m.materialList[n].ApplyMode = 0 m.materialList[n].AlphaTestEnable = on m.materialList[n].NoSorter = on m.materialList[n].TestRef = 128 for a = 1 to m.materialList[n].maps.count do ( if m.materialList[n].maps[a] != undefined then ( m.materialList[n].maps[a].filtering = 2 ) ) ) ) else if classof m == Standardmaterial then ( m.shaderType = 2 m.twoSided = on m.alphaMode = 1 m.adTextureLock = off m.ambient = color 255 255 255 m.Diffuse = color 255 255 255 m.Specular = color 255 255 255 m.emittance = color 255 255 255 m.SrcVertexMode = 1 m.LightingMode = 0 m.ApplyMode = 0 m.AlphaTestEnable = on m.NoSorter = on m.TestRef = 128 for a = 1 to m.maps.count do ( if m.maps[a] != undefined then ( m.maps[a].filtering = 2 ) ) ) ) )--end on ) -----------------第2个卷展栏------------------------------------------------------------ rollout Tools0 "材质工具" width:148 height:130 ( button hit10 "整理材质球/ 翻到1页" pos:[6,7] width:136 height:21 toolTip:"材质编辑器整理,翻页" button hit11 "初始化为GBshader" width:136 height:21 toolTip:"特效用GB材质" button hit5 "双面所有材质球" width:136 height:21 toolTip:"打开材质球里的双面显示" button hit6 "双面显示所选物体" width:136 height:21 toolTip:"取消背面透明显示" button hit1 "清空透明通道" width:136 height:21 toolTip:"清空场景中所有材质透明通道" button btn3 "设置收集bitmap路径" width:138 height:21 toolTip:"" editText edt1 "" width:116 height:21 toolTip:"请点击设置收集bitmap路径按钮设置路径" button btn4 "收集Bitmap"width:136 height:21 toolTip:"" local mapfiles=#() local k local savefilepath = "" local path = "" on hit1 pressed do ( holdMaxFile() for i in 1 to sceneMaterials.count do ( m = sceneMaterials if classof m == Multimaterial then ( for n in 1 to m.materialList.count do ( m.materialList[n].opacityMap = undefined ) ) else if classof m == Standardmaterial then ( m.opacityMap = undefined ) ) )--end on on hit10 pressed do ( disableSceneRedraw() if scenematerials.count>0 and geometry.count>0 do ( s = scenematerials.count x=int(s/24)---计算取整 y=mod s 24 ---计算余数 if k== undefined then k=1 if k > x+2 do k=1 if y>0 and k == x+1 then ( for j=1 to 24 do ( new_mat_name = (j+24*(k-1)) as string + " - Default" meditMaterials[j] = standard name:new_mat_name ) for i = 1 to y do ( meditMaterials = sceneMaterials[i+24*(k-1)] ) )else ( for j=1 to 24 do ( meditMaterials[j]=sceneMaterials[j+24*(k-1)] ) ) k=k+1 pushPrompt ("第 "as string+k as string+" 批材质成功运行!! "as string +s as string+"个场景材质。") if k==x+1 and y==0 do k=1 if k==x+2 and y>0 do k=1 hit10.caption = "整理材质球/ 翻到第" + k as string + "页" ) if scenematerials.count==0 do (pushPrompt ("本场景没有任何材质")) enableSceneRedraw() ) on hit11 pressed do ( TempState = animButtonState animButtonState = off for i in selection do ( i.Material.shaderByName = "Gamebryo Shader" i.Material.adTextureLock = off i.Material.emittance = color 255 255 255 i.Material.alphaMode = 5 i.Material.srcBlend = 6 i.Material.destBlend = 0 i.Material.alpha = 100 i.Material.SrcVertexMode = 1 i.Material.LightingMode = 0 i.Material.ApplyMode = 2 try (i.Material.twoSided = on) catch() ) animButtonState = TempState )--end on on btn3 pressed do ( path = getSavePath caption:"选择保存文件路径:" initialDir:savefilepath if path != undefined then try( edt1.text = path; savefilepath = path; )catch() )--end on on btn4 pressed do ( enumeratefiles addmap sort mapfiles copybitmap mapfiles savefilepath )--end on on hit5 pressed do ( for i in sceneMaterials do try (i.twoSided = on) catch() )--end on on hit6 pressed do ( for i in selection do try (i.backfacecull = off) catch() )--end on ) ----------------开始第2个卷展栏--------------------------------- rollout tools1 "特效工具" width:150 height:555 ( button hit3 "公告板" pos:[5,7] width:65 height:18 toolTip:"创建公告板" button btn8 "point" pos:[75,7] width:65 height:18 toolTip:"创建虚拟点" button btn11 "Dummy1归零" pos:[5,71] width:66 height:18 toolTip:"可以用来检查dummy点是否真的归零了" button btn12 "调整方向" pos:[73,71] width:67 height:18 button crt_ptc1 "SuperSpray" pos:[5,28] width:65 height:18 button crt_ptc2 "PCloud" pos:[75,28] width:65 height:18 button hit_ptc "初始化粒子发射器" pos:[5,49] width:136 height:18 button btn_exprot_eff "导出特效" pos:[54,194] width:87 height:18 toolTip:"适合导出绑在身体部位的特效" checkbutton ckb1 "max" pos:[6,194] width:44 height:18 enabled:true toolTip:"是否保存max文件" checked:false radiobuttons rdo1 "" pos:[14,93] width:158 height:80 labels:#("ehit_b", "ehit_d", "Lhand", "Lfoot", "Rhand", "Rfoot", "Dummy", "body", "contrail", "碰球" , "A_dummy" , "A_skill") default:7 columns:2 local ex_path = getFilenamePath (GetExportValue "NiFilename") local nifname = ex_path + "dummy01.nif" on hit3 pressed do ( TempState = animButtonState animButtonState = off local tempos = [0,0,0] if selection.count == 1 then tempos = $.transform.pos else tempos = [0,0,0] myplane = Plane length:1 width:1 lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 transform:(matrix3 [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [1,0,0] [0,0,0]) isSelected:on;$.pos = tempos ; convertToMesh $ setUserPropBuffer $ "billboard\r\nzMode10" $.backfacecull = off animButtonState = TempState ) on btn11 pressed do ( try ($Dummy01.transform=(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])) catch() ) on btn12 pressed do ( try ($Dummy01.transform=(matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]);) catch() try ($Bip01.parent = $Dummy01;) catch() try ($Dummy01.transform=(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])) catch() )( tmparrayforbipsel = #() --清空变量。 if selection.count != 1 then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体数不为1,请选择要导出物体的跟物体。" beep:false ) else ( disableSceneRedraw() holdMaxFile() animButtonState = off sliderTime = animationrange.start $.transform=(matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --pos归零,z旋转180度。 SelChildren $ --选择自己和所有子物体。 select tmparrayforbipsel sliderTime = animationrange.end max set key keys sliderTime = animationrange.start max set key keys enableSceneRedraw() redrawViews() if ckb1.state == true then (max file save selected) strFilename = GetExportValue "NiFilename" GamebryoExportSelected strFilename fetchMaxFile quiet:true ) ) on crt_ptc1 pressed do ( TempState = animButtonState animButtonState = off local tempos = [0,0,0] if selection.count == 1 then tempos = $.transform.pos else tempos = [0,0,0] SuperSpray speed:0.23 Speed_Variation:10 Off_Axis:0 Axis_Spread:0 Off_Plane:0 Plane_Spread:0 Birth_Rate:1 Total_Number:100 quantityMethod:0 viewPercent:100 Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:30f Display_Until:100f life:30f Life_Variation:0f subsampleEmitterTranslation:on subsampleCreationTime:on subsampleEmitterRotation:off size:0.15 Size_Variation:10 Growth_Time:10f Fade_Time:10f seed:12345 standardParticle:3 Metaparticle_Tension:1 Metaparticle_Tension_Variation:0 metaballAutoCoarsness:on metaballRenderCoarsness:0.5 viewType:2 mappingType:0 Mapping_Time_Base:30f Mapping_Distance_Base:100 Spin_Time:30f Spin_Time_Variation:0 Spin_Phase:0 Spin_Phase_Variation:0 spinAxisType:0 X_Spin_Vector:1 Y_Spin_Vector:0 Z_Spin_Vector:0 Spin_Axis_Variation:0 motionInfluence:0 motionMultiplier:0 motionVariation:0 Bubble_Amplitude:0 Bubble_Amplitude_Variation:0 Bubble_Period:100000f Bubble_Period_Variation:0 Bubble_Phase:0 Bubble_Phase_Variation:0 iconSize:0 iconHidden:off metaballViewCoarsness:1 Spawn_Affects:100 Spawn_Multiplier_Variation:0 Die__X_frames_after_collision:0f Interparticle_Collisions_On:0 Interparticle_Collision_Steps:2 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce:100 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce_Variation:0 iconSize:0.5 pos:tempos isSelected:on animButtonState = TempState ) on crt_ptc2 pressed do ( TempState = animButtonState animButtonState = off local tempos = [0,0,0] if selection.count == 1 then tempos = $.transform.pos else tempos = [0,0,0] PCloud speed:0 Speed_Variation:0 Birth_Rate:10 Total_Number:100 quantityMethod:0 viewPercent:100 Emitter_Start:0f Emitter_Stop:0f Display_Until:100f life:101f Life_Variation:0f size:1 Size_Variation:0 Growth_Time:0f Fade_Time:0f seed:12345 standardParticle:3 Metaparticle_Tension:1 Metaparticle_Tension_Variation:0 metaballAutoCoarsness:on metaballRenderCoarsness:0.5 metaballViewCoarsness:1 viewType:2 mappingType:0 Mapping_Time_Base:30f Mapping_Distance_Base:100 Spin_Time:10000f Spin_Time_Variation:0 Spin_Phase:0 Spin_Phase_Variation:0 spinAxisType:0 X_Spin_Vector:1 Y_Spin_Vector:0 Z_Spin_Vector:0 Spin_Axis_Variation:0 Direction_Vector_X:1 Direction_Vector_Y:0 Direction_Vector_Z:0 motionInfluence:100 motionMultiplier:1 motionVariation:0 Bubble_Amplitude:0 Bubble_Amplitude_Variation:0 Bubble_Period:100000f Bubble_Period_Variation:0 Bubble_Phase:0 Bubble_Phase_Variation:0 Emitter_Rad_Len:0.5 emitterHidden:off Spawn_Generations:1 Spawn_Multiplier:1 formation:0 Die__X_frames_after_collision:0f Die__X_frames_after_collision_variation:0 Interparticle_Collisions_On:0 Interparticle_Collision_Steps:2 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce:100 Interparticle_Collision_Bounce_Variation:0 NiPSysLoopStart:0 NiPSysLoopEnd:52 NiPSysMaxAlloc:100 Emitter_Width:0.5 Emitter_Height:0.5 pos:tempos isSelected:on animButtonState = TempState ) on hit_ptc pressed do ( particletype = #( Blizzard, Snow, PCloud, Spray, SuperSpray, PArray ) for i in particletype do ( if classof $ == i then ( try( $.speed = 0.23 ) catch() try( $.Speed_Variation = 10 ) catch() try( $.Emitter_Start = 0f ) catch() try( $.Emitter_Stop = 30f ) catch() try( $.viewType = 2 ) catch() try( $.standardParticle = 3 ) catch() try( $.size = 0.15 ) catch() try( $.Size_Variation = 10 ) catch() try( $.Fade_Time = 11f ) catch() try( $.Growth_Time = 11f ) catch() try($.motionInfluence = 0 ) catch() try($.motionMultiplier = 0 ) catch() try( $.baseObject.ParticleSystemSettings.NiPSysLoop = off ) catch() ) ) )--end on on btn_exprot_eff pressed do ( if selection.count == 0 then ( messagebox "您现在没有选择物体,不能进行操作!" beep:false ) else ( holdMaxFile() disableSceneRedraw() animButtonState = off tmparrayforbipsel = #() case rdo1.state of ( 1:( sliderTime = 0 $.transform=(matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --pos归零,z旋转180度。 SelChildren $ --选择自己和所有子物体。 select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "ehit_body.nif" ) 2:( sliderTime = 0 $.transform=(matrix3 [-1,0,0] [0,-1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --pos归零,z旋转180度。 SelChildren $ --选择自己和所有子物体。 select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "ehit_dummy01.nif" ) 3:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( a = i.parent if a == undefined then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体没有父物体(中心点),不能做归零操作!" beep:false ) else ( b = Point pos:[0,0,0] b.transform = a.transform i.parent = b b.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --transform归零 delete b i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 SelChildren i ) ) select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "lefthand.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 4:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( a = i.parent if a == undefined then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体没有父物体(中心点),不能做归零操作!" beep:false ) else ( b = Point pos:[0,0,0] b.transform = a.transform i.parent = b b.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --transform归零 delete b i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 SelChildren i ) ) select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "leftfoot.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 5:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( a = i.parent if a == undefined then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体没有父物体(中心点),不能做归零操作!" beep:false ) else ( b = Point pos:[0,0,0] b.transform = a.transform i.parent = b b.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --transform归零 delete b i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 SelChildren i ) ) select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "righthand.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 6:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( a = i.parent if a == undefined then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体没有父物体(中心点),不能做归零操作!" beep:false ) else ( b = Point pos:[0,0,0] b.transform = a.transform i.parent = b b.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --transform归零 delete b i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 SelChildren i ) ) select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "rightfoot.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 7:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 ) nifname = ex_path + "dummy01.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 8:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( a = i.parent if a == undefined then ( messagebox "您现在选择的物体没有父物体(中心点),不能做归零操作!" beep:false ) else ( b = Point pos:[0,0,0] b.transform = a.transform i.parent = b b.transform = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0]) --transform归零 delete b i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 SelChildren i ) ) select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "body.nif" --绑在胸部骨骼的导出这个名字 SetTwoKey () ) 9:( sliderTime = 0 $.pos=[0,0,0] --pos归零 SelChildren $ --选择自己和所有子物体。 select tmparrayforbipsel nifname = ex_path + "contrail.nif" ---SetTwoKey () 空中拖尾,要从第一帧开始做吧! ) 10:( $.name = "Sphere" sliderTime = 0 max file save tStart = animationrange.start tEnd = animationrange.end animButtonState = on sliderTime = animationrange.end $.visibility = true sliderTime = animationrange.start $.visibility = true animButtonState = off $.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 nifname = ex_path + (getFilenameFile maxfilename) + ".nif" SetTwoKey () ) 11:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 i.pos = [0,0,0] ) nifname = ex_path + "A_dummy.nif" SetTwoKey () ) 12:( sliderTime = 0 for i in selection do ( i.parent = undefined --设置父物体为未定义 i.pos = [0,0,0] ) nifname = ex_path + "A_skill.nif" SetTwoKey () ) ) enableSceneRedraw();redrawViews() if ckb1.state == true then (max file save selected) -- 保存选择的为max文件。 GamebryoExportSelected nifname fetchMaxFile quiet:true ) ) on btn8 pressed do ( TempState = animButtonState animButtonState = off local tempos = [0,0,0] if selection.count == 1 then tempos = $.transform.pos else tempos = [0,0,0] mypoint = Point pos:tempos size:5 box: on isSelected:on;mypoint.transform=(matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] tempos) animButtonState = TempState ) ) rollout tools2 "动画工具" width:165 height:298 ( button hit1 "子物体动画转关键帧" pos:[5,7] width:136 height:21 button hit2 "路径动画转关键帧" pos:[5,32] width:136 height:21 button hit3 "反转关键帧(非CS)" pos:[5,56] width:136 height:21 spinner scl "骨骼缩放系数:" pos:[5,81] width:127 height:16 range:[0,10,1] type:#float fieldwidth:40 button scale_them "缩放BONE骨骼※CS骨骼" pos:[5,102] width:136 height:21 on hit1 pressed do ( if selection.count ==0 then ( messagebox "请选择一个要处理的物体" beep:false ) else ( holdMaxFile() mybox = $ mypoint = Point () --ResetTransform mybox s = animationrange.end for i in 0 to s do ( sliderTime = i with animate on ( mypoint.transform = mybox.transform ) ) setInheritanceFlags mybox #all mybox.parent = undefined for i in 0 to s do ( sliderTime = i with animate on ( mybox.transform = mypoint.transform ) ) delete mypoint ) )--end on on hit2 pressed do ( if selection.count ==0 then ( messagebox "请选择一个要处理的物体" beep:false ) else ( holdMaxFile() mybox = $ mypoint = Point () s = animationrange.end for i in 0 to s do ( sliderTime = i with animate on ( mypoint.transform = mybox.transform ) ) eee = mybox.pos.controller try ( eee.delete 2 ) catch () for i in 0 to s do ( sliderTime = i with animate on ( mybox.transform = mypoint.transform ) ) delete mypoint ) )--end on on hit3 pressed do ( holdMaxFile() for i in selection do ( EndT = animationrange.end + 1 if classOf i == Biped_Object then ( messagebox "本工具不支持CS骨骼" beep:false fetchmaxfile quiet:true exit ) else ( reverseTime i.transform.controller 0 EndT #incleft deleteTime i.transform.controller 0 1 #incleft ) ) )--end on on scale_them pressed do ( sc = scl.value try ($bip01.controller.figureMode = true)catch() try ($bip01.controller.height=$bip01.controller.height*sc)catch() bone_scale sc try ($bip01.controller.figureMode = false)catch() )--end on ) ---------------------------------------- addrollout tools_modle nc_tools addrollout tools0 nc_tools addrollout tools1 nc_tools addrollout tools2 nc_tools addrollout bout nc_tools


B Color Smilies



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