(转)DW IV_3D_Norms_Clericon 

2009-06-01 17:02 发布

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原作者:jungleherm 本文章转载自“火星时代”论坛。 Race: Norm Human Class: Clericon Artifact: GuQin 大家好,初次在火星时代发贴,我来自美国,中文不大好,现在是朋友在帮助我翻译。我构想的参赛角色是一位美丽的牧师少女,她担任的更多是防守/治疗的任务,用其特有的武器--古琴,帮助友方回复战斗能力。关于她的背景故事,我会在下一次更新中补充。 正如大家所见,现在我还在2D的设计草稿阶段,希望可以尽快完成修改和设计,进入建摸。 在这里看到了很多强人的作品,让小弟热血沸腾!也希望在参赛的过程中锻炼自己获得提高,请各位多多指教! Last Update: May 18 啊啊真抱歉,图在这里 对不起我回复得很慢。这个周末有开始制作模型,在概念设计的造型上仍然在慢慢修改--- 我画的很慢,做的也不快,天啊,希望能够赶上限期。。。恩我是在美国的华人,不过中文很久没用,已经生锈了》——《 前,前路漫漫啊----- 在脸部花费了大量的时间,很辛苦也很头疼。我想只有继续慢慢调节了吧。希望下礼拜能够完成身体和衣服,还是那句话,请多多赐教! I’m going to have to call this body/outfit “done,” even though it’s not, if I want to finish this thing on time….which I probably won’t :P Her head positioning and neck are really bothering me, so I’ll be fixing that as well as some other proportional issues, but as far as detailing out the high res goes, this is pretty much it. My entry probably isn’t the most exciting of WIPs (especially in comparison to a lot of the other killer work being done for this competition), but I think things will come together more once I get to the texturing/lighting stage. I’m planning on relying on other things aside from a heavy normal map, but we’ll see how well that goes in the end. The sculpt on her hair is just temporary geometry to make it easier to build the low poly alpha hair. Lately I’ve been struggling with the design of her instrument. It’s pretty hard to think of a cool pose with her sitting down playing a guqin, and having her play such an instrument vertically doesn’t make any sense, so I’ve been thinking of changing it to a guzheng, or perhaps some sort of guqin/guzheng hybrid. I suppose I should do some pose sketches and decide then. A guzheng might also give her a stronger presence, which may fit the theme of the contest better. Any thoughts/criticixxs is greatly appreciated 大致上我打算把身体和衣服当完成阶段了,虽然老实说还算不上---不过就要超过时间界限啦必须停手!虽然眼看也来不及了 头和脖子那部分总觉得不对劲,大概还会和其他身体比例问题一起继续修改。不过至于细节之类,大概高模就到此为止了。 和其他高手的参赛作品相比,我的大概看起来非常--乏味吧?(大家都好强啊啊啊泪奔)不过我想等材质贴图等完成后会看起来好些.我不会太倚重 normal map上的细节表现,而会尽量用diffuse map来完成一些细节。 目前她的头发只是暂时的多边形,迟些会被带alpha的低模取代的。 最近在她的武器上挣扎了很久!不知道如何能让她摆一个很酷的坐下弹古琴的姿势,竖弹古琴也很不像话---所以大概会改成古筝(或者两者结合体?)吧?我会先画些草图再决定的,古筝感觉也比较肃杀点,比较适合战场的感觉啊。 以上,欢迎大家提出意见! I’ve been second guessing the overall design of my character, so I built a quick rig and posed her to see what kind of silhouettes I could get. The poses are rough, but now I have a better idea of what needs to be changed. I started off building a guqin/guzheng hybrid, but it was looking really odd, so I decided to go back to a more conventional guqin. My goal is to start baking my maps this weekend! iiipq: Thank you. This kind of style is more popular among young people in America. Most of my coworkers do not like this at all In America, people like Age of Conan and Gears of War style the most 我开始再次琢磨人物的整体设计,所以做了个简单的rig,把她摆出个姿势来,看看我是否能找到喜欢的轮廓。当然姿态摆的很粗糙,不过足够给我提供‘哪里需要改变’的点子了。我开始做古琴/筝,不过实话实说看起来实在古怪,所以又打算回到常规点的古琴。我的目标是这个周末开始做材质贴图! iiipq: 非常感谢,恩,这样的风格在美国的年轻人里还是很受欢迎的,不过我的同事们就不大喜欢了(大泪水),在美国,还是类似于Age of Conan和战争机器这样的风格吃香啊--- 古琴: Ah, yes. I was not done with building her rig at the time, but I wanted to see how the base fit with the character ^_^ Thank you! Well....I finished! I wish there was more time allowed, because I really had to rush to get to where I am now. The GameArtisans website is having troubles, so I have not been able to submit my final image T_T I wanted to say "Thank you" to everyone who has commented in this thread, and to everyone who has looked at my progress work. You all have been nicer than I could have ever asked, and I appreciate that greatly. Additionally, I'd like to apologize for my lack of interaction here...my Chinese level is too low to properly communicate with everyone....I must study hard from now on Best of luck to everyone! 哦哦哦哦哦终于完成啦----我希望能有更多时间,因为最后几小时真是修罗地狱啊啊。主站好像有点连接问题,我到现在都无法上传最终作品》0《 非常感谢所有在这里回帖的和看贴的朋友,你们都非常的友善,再次感谢(脸红) 最后实在对于我回复的不及时表示抱歉,我的中文水平实在是低得不足以达到流畅交流的地步啊---要更努力的学习才是! 祝大家好运!
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(转)DW IV_3D_Norms_Clericon 
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