
2012-10-25 16:55 发布

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How to make leaf materials for 3d trees using the VRay2sidedMtl, in this case a sugar maple (in autumn). The tutorial uses Onyx Tree for the tree generation, but this material technique works just as well with other tree objects with low-poly opacity mapped leaves.
在这篇教程中将教大家如何使用Vray双面材质制作红枫树叶。这篇教程使用Onyx Tree来生成树,当然这篇教程用到的技术同样适用于用其它方法制作的低分辨率使用透明贴图作为树叶的模型。

Exporting from Onyxtree.
I went with 4 polygons per leaf so that the leaves aren't just flat. Remember to set the dimensions you want the individual leaves, and change the units when you export. You can also make it export 3 different leaf IDs with varying sizes. I normally export as a .obj file
Opacity mapping
It's important to make sure the opacity map is just pure black or white, with a sharp edge. You should also turn off filtering in the bitmap loader options.
The opacity map applied to a grey material in 3ds Max and assigned to the leaves.
V-Ray's 2 sided material works best with geometry that has no thickness, which is what onyxtree outputs. It is a very quick way of generating a SSS (sub-surface scattering, think candle wax, skin, milk etc) type look. The image below  is rendered using a VRay2sidedMtl on all leaves with grey submaterials and a hand drawn image for the vein skeleton.
Front material
The front side material is a basic vraymaterial with a diffuse map and a reflection map. The color correction map is to produce slightly different hues of leaf for each of the 3 sub leaf types (you should have got a mult-subobject material when you imported the .obj file). I usually make the first leaf and then copy and paste it to the 2nd and 3rd and just change the hue value slightly. The reflection map is a b&w copy of the diffuse map with levels adjusted to make it more contrasty.
枫叶正面材质使用基本vray材质连接一张diffuse贴图和一张反射贴图表现的。连接在Diffuse通道上面的色彩校正贴图(color correction map)对3个不同类型的枫叶设置稍微不同的色相(hues)值。我一般喜欢先制作好第一个叶子,然后复制粘贴出其它的叶子,每个叶子我只是稍微调节Diffuse通道的色相(hues)值。枫叶的反射贴图是Diffuse贴图通过去色和增加对比度制作出来的。
Render showing front leaf material on both sides with no transparency.
Back material
The back material is a copy of the front material but with a different diffuse bitmap and no reflection. Note that I overlaid the veins skeleton jpg on top in photoshop as well. (without it, the veins looked too light when viewed from the underside as they took 100% of the lighter back material)
背面材质是正面材质的拷贝,唯一不同的地方就是使用了不同的diffuse贴图以及没有用反射贴图。我在Photoshop中将正面的颜色贴图叠加上树叶经脉纹理。(without it, the veins looked too light when viewed from the underside as they took 100% of the lighter back material)  (如果没有这一步的话,假使我们使用了较亮的背面材质,那么从背光面上看,我们的叶脉会过亮。)
Render showing 2sided material with correct front/back materials but no transparency.
Finished result

B Color Smilies



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