
2008-11-09 13:37 发布

以下文字翻译内容出自会员“梦儿” 一直麻烦大家批改作业以及回答我那堆很小白的问题 觉得很不好意思... 希望我的翻译能多少帮上那些看E文吃力的朋友.. ps不熟悉,英文版更不曾用过,一些术语可能有出入,我用()标注了,希望路过的达人帮忙改改,以免误人子弟... 因为时间不多,翻译的比较口语 ================================那就开始了================================= In this tutorial we are going to color a dragon portrait. Like I always say, it's impossible to make a good painting without a good sketch, that's why if your drawing is not as strong as you'd like, you should go ahead and buy a sketchbook before taking up photoshop or tablet or any other stuff like that. 在这个教程中,我们将尝试着渲染一张龙的画像。首先要说的是,我觉得一张差劲的草图再如何渲染也难以获得一幅漂亮的画作。所以,如果你的画画功底还有待提高,你最应该做的是赶快拿起笔和本,好好的练习下你的画功,这比ps或是手绘板什么来得更重要些。 Here, I create the background with my flame brush, the drawing is in the multiply layer. First I form a dark background and then lighten the parts around the portrait with the same brush, this will help us see the figure clearer in the future. 言归正传,我用flame(焰状)笔刷绘制了整幅画的背景,图层设置为正片叠底。首先,我塑造了一个比较暗的背景,然后用刚刚的(焰状)笔刷将整个头像周围部分提亮,这个步骤有助于我们接下来更好的突出头像。 Using my texture brushes, I apply texture to the background I created, though I am careful not to apply at the same intensity around the figure. The best way is to open a new layer and go crazy with the texture apply it as much as you want) then erase the parts that are too much. 我用纹理笔刷为刚刚创造出的背景绘制出更多的细节。此时要注意的是,头像周围应尽量避免使用同样的饱和度。最好的办法就是新建一个图层,随心所欲的绘制出你能想到最丰富的纹理,然后清除掉那些多余和不足的部分。
B Color Smilies


  • admin
    admin 2008-11-9 13:38:00

    回复: 恶龙的绘制技巧(感谢梦儿翻译)

    I start filling inside the figure very roughly, first I apply base colors and give the lightening effects with lighter volumes of those colors. 接着我开始大笔触的为头像添加色彩;先设定base colors(基准颜色),然后调亮这些颜色做出发光的效果。 After painting the figure completely, I apply texture on it and erase the parts I don't like by using the borders of the figure's layers which I select by clicking Load Selection. 当完成头像的上色工作后,我为它添加了纹理,并且载入之前头像图层边界的选区,以清除那些我不太满意的部分。 I apply dodge on the picture of which the texturing stage is over with after merging the layers. Dodge is tool that should be used wisely, I advice you to work it by making light touches. 纹理绘制结束后,我合并图层并按需要进行减淡处理。减淡工具应该被合理的使用,我的建议是,你最好一点点的进行。 Now we can use highlights, first I paint the big parts that should get light with a xxall soft round airbrush. You don't hxxe to choose a very light color, you can always go back and use dodge tool for increase the light volumes. 好了,我们可以开始上高光了。首先我使用细且硬度较低的圆形喷枪绘制出需要提亮的主要部分。此时,你不需要选择那些非常浅的颜色,因为我们可以随时使用减淡工具来提高亮度。
  • admin
    admin 2008-11-9 13:39:00

    回复: 恶龙的绘制技巧(感谢梦儿翻译)

    Now I paint the sharper parts with a thin hard round brush anda lighter volume. You don't hxxe to apply highlight to the whole figure, the important thing is to illuminate the parts you want to emphasize.. 然后,我选择使用细且硬度较大的圆形笔刷蘸上更亮的颜色来表现头像上那些锋利尖锐的部分。记住,你不用给整个头像打上高光,重要的是打亮那些你希望突出和强调的部分.. After the highlighting stage, I apply fog to the front and behind of the figure, this will fix the attention only on the face and will help you not waste time with lower parts of the painting. 高光处理好后,我对整个头像的前前后后进行了雾状效果的处理,这样做可以将观者的注意力集中在龙的面部,我们也不用花费太多时间来处理画面中那些不是很重要的部分了。 Lastly, I use dodge to shine up the highlight brightness values, I play with brightness contrast and color correction values as well, lighten the background a bit more with my fire brush and since the creature's neck seems too bulky, I finish the illustration by making it more curled. 最后,我用减淡工具提高了高光的亮度数值,调整了下亮度对比度及颜色校正数值。用fire笔刷适当的提亮了背景,后来觉得龙的颈部过于壮硕,我最终将它调整的更加curled(弯曲)了。
  • yueyang5516
    yueyang5516 2011-2-26 15:46:22
  • 云游
    云游 2011-3-9 15:23:01
  • 幽谷
    幽谷 2011-3-21 15:32:19
    不错的教材 转移到原画区了 谢谢分享
  • zhujiehuang
    zhujiehuang 2011-3-21 18:13:22
    不错的资料 好人真多

  • watch1985
    watch1985 2011-3-24 12:02:36
  • zhangbo8024
    zhangbo8024 2011-4-4 14:09:36
    楼主辛苦了 分享是快乐的
  • 176237657
    176237657 2011-4-10 01:22:25
    神马都是浮云~同学~淡定 淡定


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