到新加坡去工作——新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会 系列报道之一 活动前奏介绍会 

2008-07-18 11:16 发布

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系列报道之一 活动前奏介绍会
新加坡媒体发展管理局、联系新加坡及上海市多媒体行业协会首次携手合作将在9月19-22日共同主办“新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会”,招揽才华横溢、具有潜能的中国数字媒体人才,到新加坡这个中西合璧的先进城市开拓他们的国际事业,成为真正的国际人才。 作为人才选拔会的预热活动,主办单位将在7月22日(星期二)时主办活动前奏的说明会。届时,将重点介绍: 1、到新加坡就业和生活须符合的条件; 2、新加坡就业准证制度和工资标准; 3、新加坡数字媒体行业概况和职业发展机会; 4、新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会的参会须知和流程等。 活动时间:2008年7月22日(星期二) 18:00--21:00 活动地点:上海市长宁路1027号上海多媒体产业园 兆丰广场6F会展中心多功能厅 (地铁2、3、4号线中山公园站,7号口) 有兴趣探讨到新加坡就业的数字媒体人才,欢迎出席介绍会并与新加坡官方主办单位面对面交流和咨询。 本次“新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会”上,将有数家新加坡顶尖数字媒体企业到场推介为国内人才提供赴新加坡就业的宝贵机会。鉴于众多应聘者以及相关专业人士对新加坡招聘企业信息的疑问与咨询协会将从本期系列报道开始陆续为大家介绍相关新加坡企业的招聘信息,以便让大家更加深入、清晰的了解此次活动! 1Ksatria Gameworks Pte Ltd Basic Information Ksatria Gameworks is wholly Singaporean games studio located at the west side of Singapore. The team consists of developers from all over the world, from the UK, France Sweden, Spain, Hong Kong, Indonesia and of course Singapore to name but a few. The vision of Ksatria Gameworks has always been to create a world-class development studio capable of producing world-class games a company measured on the quality of its work rather than its cost. Ksatria Gameworks first title will be based on the hugely popular LoneWolf game books series, which have sold over 10 million copies to date and use the state of the art kjAPI game engine. LoneWolf: Flight from the Dark is due for completion in 2009 and will be available on PC, XBox 360 and Playstation 3. The kjAPI game technology has been fully developed in house and coupled with its powerful and user friendly toolset provides a locally based competitor to the more established engines currently available on the market. From day one, the focus has been with ease of content creation, which in turn maximizes the creativity of artists and designers in the pursuit of creating top quality games. Hot Jobs Animator Lead Animator 3D Environmental Artist Game Programmer VFX Artist Game Level Designer Web www.ksatria.com E-mailinfo@ksatria.com 2、Lights & Shadows Pte Ltd Basic Information We are a creative group with different teams that solve unique challenges across many mediums and industries. We strive to continue our extension with diversity, as we create synergies between our differences in skills, knowledge and ideas. We create strong identities that beamed to television of billions across Asia. Our work is designed to punch strong distinction to channels that flow through air waves, satellites, cables and the internet. We engaged you visually through design, motion graphics, animation and live shoot. We conceptualizes characters and the environment that they thrived within to reality where all of us can see, hear, feel their personalities and at times touched them in physical forms. Their lives start on our storyboards, encountering many different journeys across many imaginative thoughts. When they arrived, they create happiness in people most of the time. We molded them in all sizes, proportions, colors, shapes, treatments (pencils, water-color, realistic) and most commonly in 3-dimensional form. We build virtual structures that exists originally in concepts, ideas, lines and words by their real-world architects. We won many successful connections between the virtual and the real, especially when their ideas and design blown our bulbs to create magic. And most of the time, our magic inspires them too. As we bring tangible forms to these great ideas and design, we usually present them in still images, fly-through, vr360, interactive media and immersive installations. We gained additional motivations when you award us a prize, project, compliments, feedbacks and your friendship. You fuel our extensions. Hot Jobs 3D Artist - Generalist Technical Artist 3D Artist DI Artist Senior 3D Artist - Commercial Print Ads Broadcast/ Motion Graphics Designer Web http://LNS.com.sg E-mail:E-mail:susie@LNS.com.sg 更多详细信息请点击官方网站:www.careers-singapore.com 联系地址:上海市长宁路(汇川路)1027号多媒体产业园1004室 联系电话:86 21 63852626-49  86 21 51158098-1005
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到新加坡去工作——新加坡数字媒体企业人才选拔会 系列报道之一 活动前奏介绍会 
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