
2006-10-11 19:47 发布

DDS=Direct Draw Surface

1...DDS Thumbnail Viewer (Windows 预览补丁 直接安装)

Allows you to view .dds files in Thumbnail view in the Windows Explorer.

下载地址:[replyview] DDS Thumbnail Viewer Installer (.exe) [1.8 MB] [/replyview]

2...Windows Texture Viewer (专用图片浏览器 绿色版 手动指定打开方式)

WTV was developed for simple DDS viewing, especially for those DDS files with an alpha channel.

下载地址:[replyview] Windows Texture Viewer v0.69b (.zip) [63 KB] [/replyview]

3...Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins(PS插件_安装版_没有PS版本问题 安装到PS安装目录 如X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2)

This installer contains two plug-ins and several helpful scripts for Adobe® Photoshop®:

  • NVIDIA Normal Map Filter
  • NVIDIA DDS PLug-in
  • NVIDIA Mipster Script
  • NVIDIA Cube Map Shuffler

The Plug-ins

The NVIDIA Normal Map filter creates normal maps from height maps for per pixel rendering. The DDS plug-in supports the DXTC texture compression format and allows you to open and save .dds files in RGB format. It reads and writes .dds files compressed or uncompressed.

If you're using Jasc Paint Shop Pro, read these simple instructions that explain how to use the DDS Authoring plug-in with.

下载地址:[replyview] Adobe Photoshop Normal Map and DDS Authoring Plug-ins Installer Version 7.83 (.exe) [/replyview]

4...3D max 从6.0以后可以识别DDS,无需补丁,如果您还在用老版本max,官方网站上也提供了下载,请自行搜索 


补充:最近发现TGA和TIFF格式的图片 XP也不能直接预览 下面提供了很好用插件

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-28 0:14:36编辑过]
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