前腐后继 发表于 2006-12-31 14:45:00


<p>XNA Then and Now Part One</p><p>Hello everybody and welcome to the XNA Team Blog. This is an exciting time for myself and everyone else on the team as we finally get to go public tomorrow morning at Gamefest with the “Big Thing” we’ve been working on. I’m pleasantly surprised that it hasn’t been leaked and expect there to be excitement out there as the implications of what we are doing become apparent.</p><p>大家好,欢迎访问XNA的Team Blog。明天早上我们将在GameFest公布我们为之努力已久的“Big thing” 。对于我和团队里的其他人来说这实在是一个激动人心的时刻。我很惊奇它居然还没有被泄露出去,并且希望这个东西的实现最终能引起人们的兴趣。</p><p>I’ll talk more about the big announcement after it happens tomorrow. Until then, let me tell you a little about the strange/fun journey which as been XNA.</p><p>在明天之后我再来大大的谈谈这次发布。目前我还是来告诉你一些关于XNA开发的奇异历程吧。</p><p>XNA was announced with much fanfare at GDC in March 2004. For many reasons the first XNA announcement was louder than it should have been. Everyone wanted to talk about the Xbox 360, which wasn’t going to be announced, or even confirmed, until E3 in May. Next generation graphics were the thing and we knew we had to show some of it.</p><p>XNA第一次引起大众注意的发布是出现在2004年三月 的GDC上。由于某些原因XNA的第一次发布引起的其它声音反而要大于对它实际能力的兴趣。大家都在讨论 Xbox360。直到五月的E3大展,新一代的图形系统出现了,我们知道我们必须在它上面做点工作。</p><p>The real XNA message was supposed to be about solving the deeper problems in the game industry. Most people don’t realize this but games are a tough business. As the graphics quality bar rises, so does the art costs. Many games are better looking than they are fun and their sales suffer while the costs soar. Most games lose money while a few make lots. Hopefully, the ones that make money make enough to cover all of the ones that lose.</p><p>XNA的真正目的是为了解决在游戏工业中编程的深度问题。不是人人都意识到,其实开发游戏是一项折磨人的差事。在开发费用飞涨的时候,游戏性和销售额都在游戏的华丽外表下变得越来越糟糕。大部分游戏都在赔钱,只有少数的游戏能够大赚一笔。幸亏赚到的钱目前还能够弥补其它游戏的亏空。</p><p>This creates a situation where the industry is afraid to try anything really innovative. Certain game play styles and genres sell in a “predictable” sort of way and, thus, appear to have less financial risk associated with them. This is why we see so many sequels on the market, so many copycat games, and so few real innovations.</p><p>这导致整个游戏工业都害怕进行真正意义上的革新。只能获得较少的风险投资,现在的游戏来来去去就那么几个类型和卖点。所以我们在市场上就看到大量复印件式的游戏,越来越缺少新的创意。</p><p>To throw more fuel on the fire: making games is hard (we hope to fix that). In addition to the technology being hard, game studios have been fast and loose in their development process creating poor practices and controls around how things get done. This leads to delays, overruns, and games that are unplayable when they ship and require a big patch to finish them. It isn’t fun for the people making the games who work long hours, and the turnover in the industry is crippling. There just aren’t enough educated and talented new people coming in to meet demand.</p><p>更直接的说就是:做游戏很难(这就是我们想解决的问题)。除去技术变难了之外,游戏开发团队快速和松散式的开发行为,导致开发过程的失控和开发产品的质量下降。游戏项目被引向延期、失控和丧失可玩性的危险境地,以致要进行大的修正才能最终完成。对于连续几小时编写游戏的程序员这简直就是噩梦。同时也带来了项目周期流程的断裂。而同时经过良好培训和较强能力的新人始终处在缺乏状态。</p><p>The big XNA announce at GDC in 2004 was really about a project to fix some of the deep issues in the industry, although most people thought it was about the Xbox 360 which we couldn’t talk about yet. Some people thought we were going to make a game engine, and some thought it was all a big joke as then things went quiet for a few years. None of those were true.</p><p>XNA在2004年GDC上的发布实际是对目前游戏工业深层观念的修正。而许多人以为它是关于当时连我们还不知情的Xbox360的。有些人以为我们要做一个游戏引擎,有些人甚至以为不过是一个玩笑。以后几年中XNA都悄无声息,他们都理解错了。</p><p>Just over two years ago, I was the Development Manager for Xbox Live. I must have done a good enough job helping to define and build that service that they asked me to run the new XNA team. The offer felt a lot like the beginning of XBL as there was a lot of opportunity, big meaty problems, and very little clear direction. The task was: given the outline I just described above, go figure out, build and ship whatever XNA should be. And don’t take too long either.</p><p>大概两年以前,我是Xbox Live的开发经理。我必须做好对Xbox live的定义和构建。以后他们让我开始了XNA团队。提出的要求大体像初期的XBL:许多的可能性,对强大能力的需求而缺少清醒的方向。我的任务是勾画和构建出上面要求的框架,还有不要花太多的时间。</p><p>I quickly made a few key hires and got a small, but talented team together. We then talked to a lot of people in the industry. The idea was to not only listen to their complaints, but actually watch what they do and see what bothers them the most.</p><p>很快我组织起了一个精悍的小组。以后我们和游戏产业中的许多人进行了交谈。不仅在听取他们的诉苦,还有观察他们的所作所为以及了解什么是最困扰他们的问题。</p><p>Here is a sample of issues we found:</p><p>以下是我们找到的一些问题:</p><p>Most of the people on game teams are artists and story tellers, yet all of the “telling” is owned by the coders, who would rather work on engines.</p><p>游戏开发小组中的大部分成员都是艺术家和讲故事的人,而一切的最终讲述却要靠编码人员,程序员他们更愿意以引擎为基础工作。</p><p>There is very little innovation because of financial risk averseness.</p><p>创新较少是由于财务方面的压力。</p><p>Burnout on teams is very high, and there aren’t enough new people coming out of the schools to backfill.</p><p>超负荷工作在团队里是很常见的。没有足够的人从学校里面出来进行补充</p><p>Even if you do get a relevant degree, it is hard to get into the industry because of a certain amount of elitism.</p><p>因为作为精英的优越感,就算你有相关的学位也很难适应到工作中去</p><p>It is too hard to build games – in the technical code build sense. Art assets are complicated and intertwined and your C++ linker doesn’t do anything to help.</p><p>制作一个游戏的感到很困难在于要用技术的代码去实现一种“感觉”。艺术上的想法是复杂而绞缠不清的。而你的C++连接器在这方面根本帮不上你。</p><p>Creating a game is hard. The APIs, tools and such have all been written with the expert coder in mind. Unfortunately, the best game designers are usually not the best coders.</p><p>各种APIs,工具以及其他一些东西掌握在熟练的程序员手中。不幸的是最好的游戏设计人员往往不是最好的程序员</p><p>And so on.</p><p>……</p><p>So we started multiple investigations to see what we could do to help the industry. The first two, which I started talking publicly about at the CEDEC conference in Tokyo last year were a build system for art and a related set of asset management tools. These were on the CTP we released at GDC this year.</p><p>于是我们开始了大量的调研看看我们能不能在上面说的这些方面提给游戏产业提供帮助。我最开始在公开场合谈论初步的观点是在去年的CEDEC会议上。我提到构建一个围绕游戏艺术的系统,以及一系列各方面素材的管理工具。这些我们发表在了今年GDC的CTP中。</p><p>The other project was secret for a long time. We were working with Mike Zintel’s .NET Compact Framework team to see if we could bring their technology to the Xbox 360. Rob Unoki and others on that team did a stellar job and we were able to show managed running, and being debugged, on a Xbox 360 Development kit to our execs in September 2005. After this we zeroed in on what we wanted to ship first, finished hiring a team that can ship code, and have been running like mad ever since.</p><p>另外还有一项工作秘密进行了很久。我们在和Mike Zintel的.Net Compact Framework团队合作。看看能不能把他们的技术应用在Xbox360上。Rob Unoki以及那个小组的其他人完成了大量的工作以使我们可以于2005年9月在Xbox360开发工具上运行和调试托管程序。从那开始我们结束了小组的招聘,专注于实现我们最初的目标。到目前为止我们的工作还在疯狂的进行着。</p><p>GDC 2006</p><p>The GDC 2006 show was an important milestone for us. We showed working managed code running on an Xbox 360 development kit and talked about how it is going to help designers and others get games written more quickly and cost effectively. Just as importantly, we shipped a CTP of some of our tools and gave away all the art and source code to the game MechCommander 2.</p><p>GDC2006演示的发布对我们来说是一个重要的里程碑。我们展示了在Xbox 360开发工具下运行托管程序。以及它如何帮助设计,使编码更快速以及项目支出更有效。作为一个重要部分我们放出一个CTP版本,其中包含了我们的一些工具以及游戏MechCommander 2的所有素材和源代码。</p><p>Let me repeat that. We got permission from the company to give away all the art and source code for the game MechCommander 2 (minus the networking code). A big part of the team philosophy is to give back to the community.</p><p>我再重复一下,我们得到了游戏公司的许可放出了MechCommander 2的所有素材以及源代码(除去网络部分)。团队的主要想法是为了回馈社区。</p><p>We want people to see how games are built. We want people to learn how to build new games. We want people to do innovate things that nobody is expecting. We want people to surprise the industry with new genres and new gameplay styles. We want to see the equivalent of the Sundance for games. We want to see more creativity. We want to make games, and game development fun. We want to lower the barriers to entry and we want more people to participate.</p><p>我们希望大家可以看到游戏是如何搭建的,如何开始制作一个新的游戏。我们希望每一个人都可以实现他们所期望的游戏创意。我们希望看到人们用新的游戏类型震惊整个产业。我们希望看到游戏产业产生一个新的面貌。我们想看到更多的创新。我们想使游戏和游戏开发都变得有趣。我们想为更多想参与的人降低技术门槛。</p><p>I’ll talk more about how we intend to achieve this tomorrow.</p><p>明天我将会讲到更多我们想要实现的目标。</p><p>Boyd Multerer</p><p>Product Unit Manager - XNA</p><p>Product Unit Manager(产品单元经理) - XNA</p>

zhigu 发表于 2007-3-3 17:19:00

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