一瞬间的错觉 发表于 2011-1-27 11:21:44

《New Deal Studios视觉特效创意灵感》


Lynda出品的 Creative Inspirations:New Deal Studios, Visual Effects. 带你走进New Deal Studios工作室, 了解他们的工作流程, 介绍了电影视觉特效创作的一些幕后制作过程. 如《禁闭岛》《黑暗骑士》 《博物馆惊魂夜》等大片的一些特效镜头的创作灵感. 算是一个幕后制作特辑吧.

出品方: New Deal Studios

短片时长: 55分钟


New Deal Studios is where the line between illusion and reality disappears. Come along for a peek behind the magician’s curtain at one of Hollywood’s top visual effects houses. In this Creative Inspirations documentary, find out how key scenes from Martin Scorsese’s film Shutter Island were created, as well as segments of The Dark Knight and Night at the Museum. Using a combination of models, miniatures, computer graphics, and digital effects, New Deal Studios was designed from the ground up to be a place where effects professionals could do their best work, and where filmmakers could have their visions realized.



New Deal Studios: Creative Inspirations 55:39
Introduction 01:09
Workspace 04:04
Starting & evolving the studio 03:28
Approaching visual effects 03:37
Designing with vision 04:32
Digital workflow 04:04
Compositing digital effects 03:23
Designing with 3d tools 03:42
Models & miniatures 02:24
The Dark Knight 02:24
Creative culture 03:58
Practical vs. digital effects 04:01
Taking care of business 02:05
Client relationships 02:11
Interview with Lynda 10:37

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mark8888 发表于 2011-1-31 21:47:12


caonimagedaqueb 发表于 2011-2-27 01:58:42


skycools 发表于 2011-3-22 11:50:50


evalegor 发表于 2011-3-28 17:41:09

不错的资料 感谢分享

407247354 发表于 2011-6-21 14:12:54



lonelyss12 发表于 2011-8-8 02:00:02


kangss793 发表于 2016-8-26 16:15:11

good job!! thx a lot

kangss793 发表于 2016-11-23 11:04:16

good job!! thx a lot

kangss793 发表于 2017-4-5 11:18:31

good job!! thx a lot
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